The Hidden Door-A Role Play (AKA The Most Dangerous Coffee Shop II)

Name: Juliana
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Physical description and abilities: 5'2" I'll add a picture. Juliana doesn't have any special powers, but she is into hip hop dance, so she's decently strong. She has coppery skin and though her hair is naturally dark she keeps it dyed purple to go with her oddly reddish purple eyes.

She wears, well.. not much. A sports bra, maybe a crop top, with a hoodie that zips both ways that is usually kept open on the bottom. Cut off short shorts over black leggings, and black hiking boots. She often kicks off her boots to have better flexibility and grip while she's dancing.
Personality: Juliana likes to push people, seeing how far she can take things before she gets a reaction. For the most part she prefers to do her own thing. If people want to spend time with her they're going to have to come up with something to keep her interested, or do what she's already doing. She's a city girl, and spends her time "beautifying" the ugly grey walls. She enjoys the part where she almost gets caught the most. Running and hiding from the cops, always having to come up with a new way to avoid them.
She does have a family though she doesn't really get along with her parents, she only ever goes home to get a shower, and a fresh change of clothes. She takes odd jobs to get cash flow, and does still go to school, when she wants to.
Name: Juliana
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Physical description and abilities: 5'2" I'll add a picture. Juliana doesn't have any special powers, but she is into hip hop dance, so she's decently strong. She has coppery skin and though her hair is naturally dark she keeps it dyed purple to go with her oddly reddish purple eyes.

She wears, well.. not much. A sports bra, maybe a crop top, with a hoodie that zips both ways that is usually kept open on the bottom. Cut off short shorts over black leggings, and black hiking boots. She often kicks off her boots to have better flexibility and grip while she's dancing.
Personality: Juliana likes to push people, seeing how far she can take things before she gets a reaction. For the most part she prefers to do her own thing. If people want to spend time with her they're going to have to come up with something to keep her interested, or do what she's already doing. She's a city girl, and spends her time "beautifying" the ugly grey walls. She enjoys the part where she almost gets caught the most. Running and hiding from the cops, always having to come up with a new way to avoid them.
She does have a family though she doesn't really get along with her parents, she only ever goes home to get a shower, and a fresh change of clothes. She takes odd jobs to get cash flow, and does still go to school, when she wants to.
Name: Blair Helena Connor

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Physical description and abilities:

(Art by @LittleBrownie)
Deep, chocolate brown hair with red undertones, though she has recently dyed the bottom half a midnight blue color. Yellow eyes that only glow golden in the nighttime or when the wolf is in control of her actions. In extreme light they are a lighter yellow. She no longer is comfortable wearing shorts or short sleeves due to scars, and only wears them when she absolutely needs to. She is a werewolf.

Personality: Blair isn't the most patient, making it difficult for her to deal with children and most people. Her constant need for control over everything makes it worse. She's generally a nice person, but is judgemental of others actions, and has a wicked sharp tongue when it comes to insults.
Despite her flaws, if you're her friend, she's deathly loyal. And if there's even a slight hint that she may have said or done something wrong to someone she cares about, guilt overwhelms her and she will overanalyze until she figures out what she did wrong. Goal motivated, won't stop until she figures out what she needs to, and will endlessly search until she does.
In October, she met with the werewolf Damian Thalman, and now has more control over her wolf.

(Updated form for Blair, since the old one is so not true.)
Name: Ciro Delgado
Gender: Male
Physical description and abilities:
(I'm not even going to attempt drawing him on these STUPID internet programs.
Obviously not my picture.)
17, 5'11". Ectomorph body type- pretty lean, but he's got some broad shoulders. Athletic as heck- he's constantly moving. Thick brown hair that's usually messy, but not shaggy. Pale olive skin and light gray eyes. Usually wearing ripped jeans, high-top sneakers, and a t- or sweatshirt. Often forgets some key clothing element or other, but always has a dazzling array of rings on his fingers- and each one has a story.
Abilities: The trust of others comes automatically to him. Dedicated allies are typically guaranteed with just one conversation. Whether this is a natural or supernatural charm, he doesn't really know- but, either way, he won't betray the trust placed in him and only uses it for good.
Excellent at street parkour; it's nearly impossible to land him in a situation he can't vault his way out of, and quickly, too.
Personality: He has acute ADHD, so his attention is ALL over the place. He cannot keep anything in order and attempted routine is 111% wasted on him. It's a good day if he's able to brush his teeth for a full ten seconds before moving on to the next task. School isn't doing much for him, so he doesn't do much for school (you'd skip too if your best grade was in study hall). If it weren't for his charismatic knack, even basic conversations would be a complete bust.
But despite his lack of consistency, he's as loyal as a retriever and sports a heart of absolute gold; even though he's never in school, he's yet to fall in with a bad crowd. In order to support his single mother and sisters, he takes any job offered to him and works until he drops. And in his spare time, he goes around painting over obscene graffiti and bringing hot meals to the homeless in the worst parts of Mexico City. The only time he purposely uses his uncanny likability is to recruit others to his humanitarian cause. Brave to a stupid extent- he's so gonna end up dead one day thanks to an idiotically heroic endeavor to save a complete stranger. Doesn't suffer from completely obtuse male syndrome, but he doesn't go around taking and breaking hearts like pretzels, either.
He's bilingual, but it's not a plus. Whenever he starts out speaking in Spanish, he'll always end up breaking into English, or vice versa. This further complicates his communication issue, but still his sincerity manages to shine through.
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“Cam, you’re doing it wrong!” Little hands forced the Barbie out of Cam’s rebellious fingers. She had been trying to fit a tiny plastic shoe on the graceful arch of the doll’s foot for the past two minutes-to no avail. Cam released the doll with little protest.
The little girl wiped her long dark hair out of her face and shoved the blue pumps forcefully onto the blonde’s feet. It was honestly embarrassing how effortless the little girl made the tedious procedure appear.
Mr. and Mrs. Chandra, an Indian couple across the street from Cam’s house, had asked Cam to babysit their two young children.
Anna Chandra, of course, wanted Cam to play Barbies. Cam was a little more concerned as to where her brother Noah was. He was known for his mischief.
“There’s a big portal in the hallway!” A chirpy voice, followed by a little face, entered the bedroom. The boy blinked his thick lashes seriously. He and his sister were almost identical, with black eyes, dusky skin, skinny frames, and round faces. The only big difference was Anna’s long black hair.
“No there isn’t!” Anna retorted. She knew all too well that he was just trying to trick her.
“Yeah there is, see?”
Before anyone could react, the boy jumped back into the hallway and seemingly disappeared.
Cam stood up, certain it was another of Noah’s jokes, but eager to find an escape from the mundane Barbie game.
She stepped into the hall and immediately wished she hadn’t.
There was a rift ripped right through the air in front of her. It was a doorway to another world. The edges were ragged like it was a rip in the fabric of reality. There in front of her, Cam could see a forbidding forest, so palpable she felt that could reach out and touch it. No. Not just palpable. It was there. She could reach out and touch it.
And Noah was nowhere to be found.
It simply screamed responsibility.
Cam wheeled on Anna, ripping her phone out of her pocket, unlocking it.
She hoped her voice didn’t shake, didn’t show that she was afraid.
“Do you know your mom’s phone number?” Cam asked.
Anna nodded, squinting her eyes seriously.
Cam drew in a breath. “Ok. First, do not go near this. Do not touch this. And don’t go in this.” she pointed at the portal behind her, before feeling the need to clarify. “This portal.”
Anna nodded again.
“Second, call your parents. Explain the situation. Then call 911. Explain it to them too.”

Or should she do it the other way around? Should she call 911 first?
Anna gave one final nod.
“And I am going to go in there and find your brother.”

Easier said than done. Cam felt an unseasonably warm breeze on her icy cold skin as she stepped through the door to the other side. This new world would be nothing like her own.

Welcome to Boreala!
All of the unusual things in the coffee shop world came from a different place. Anyone with unusual abilities etc. comes from original migrants who escaped to earth long ago, coming from another dimension. Though there are many legends of this place, Boreala, the descendants of the original migrants have all but forgotten.
While they multiplied and married into human families, the blood of these Borealan people became diluted, erasing much of their unusual appearances and causing many of their children to have none of the abilities of their parents. However, they still have a magnetism towards the realm they once came from.
Some populations, like little people, are still unadulterated, and tend to clump together.
The original threat in the other dimension has long ago died, but a new, more dangerous one has arisen, and it wants Earth. This new terror is using the same methods that the migrants used to escape.
With a huge unleash of power, rifts were ripped between dimensions, creating doors of opportunity.
So far, no other move on the offensive has taken place, but the inter dimensional rifts are creating worldwide issues. Strange and unusual creatures may enter through them, endangering human beings, but worse is the fate of those who enter the rifts.
Many curious children are entering these doorways, and they need someone to save them. Who knows what dangers lie on the other side?
These rifts appear in higher frequency around people with blood from the Borealan migrants from that place, though they can appear around anyone. The rifts show a unique magnetism to them, just like the stones that Kyle placed.
The bug curse was placed for unrelated reasons, but it was thought that it would wipe out the human race regardless of its intentions. Now, in January, these doorways were created because it had failed.
So far these doorways seem stable, but that could change. So these doors provide but a window of opportunity. Will you take the challenge and face this unknown evil?

Little is known about Boreala, except that it is a place of beautiful forests, mountains, and landscapes, but also great danger and strange, deadly creatures. A regular human wouldn’t last long alone.
My intentions are that we make it up as we go like the other rp.
I’m also hoping you don’t kill your characters.;)
The evil is unknown, but it is clear that the population of Boreala are unhappy with it. They are not the enemy. Rather, the evil and it’s select minions are.
Everyone who goes into the world shows up in one place, a platform of stone in a dark forest with another doorway hovering over it. However, you don’t have to stay there.

If you already have a character on the character page from the last you don’t have to enter it, I will automatically admit it.

If you’re new or your character is not on the character page, enter the form in this format here and I will make sure that it is acceptable.

Physical description and abilities:
Personality (since you insist on adding it anways):

Here is the old rp, if you’d like to go back and read.

Chat thread:

@FrankieDoodle @LittleBrownie @HeavensHens88 @Butterscotchbitesfinger @Cluckcluck1215 @Rose Quartz @RoostersAreAwesome

The rp will start at a date we can all agree on.
Any Questions?
This is awesome, you did a great job! Can’t wait to go back and read the old rp.
Name: Ciro Delgado
Gender: Male
Physical description and abilities:
(I'm not even going to attempt drawing him on these STUPID internet programs.
Obviously not my picture.)
View attachment 1993392 17, 5'11". Ectomorph body type- pretty lean, but he's got some broad shoulders. Athletic as heck- he's constantly moving. Thick brown hair that's usually messy, but not shaggy. Light olive skin and light gray eyes. Usually wearing ripped jeans, high-top sneakers, and a t- or sweatshirt. Often forgets some key clothing element or other.
Abilities: The trust of others comes automatically to him. Dedicated allies are typically guaranteed with just one conversation. Whether this is natural or supernatural charm, he doesn't really know- but, either way, he won't betray the trust placed in him and only uses it for good.
Excellent at street parkour; it's nearly impossible to land him in a situation he can't vault his way out of, and quickly, too.
Personality: He has acute ADHD, so his attention is ALL over the place. He cannot keep anything in order and attempted routine is 111% wasted on him. It's a good day if he's able to brush his teeth for a full ten seconds before moving on to the next task. School isn't doing much for him, so he doesn't do much for school (you'd skip too if your best grade was in study hall). If it weren't for his charismatic knack, even basic conversations would be a complete bust.
But despite his lack of consistency, he's as loyal as a retriever and sports a heart of absolute gold; even though he's never in school, he's yet to fall in with a bad crowd. In order to support his single mother and sisters, he takes any job offered to him and works until he drops. And in his spare time, he goes around painting over obscene graffiti and bringing hot meals to the homeless in the worst parts of Mexico City. The only time he purposely uses his uncanny likability is to recruit others to his humanitarian cause. Brave to a stupid extent- he's so gonna end up dead one day thanks to an idiotically heroic endeavor to save a complete stranger. Doesn't suffer from completely obtuse male syndrome, but he doesn't go around taking and breaking hearts like pretzels, either.
(OH, Juliana is not going to get along with him. Even though they're very similar.)
(((i am going to attempt )))

Name: Terrance
Gender: male
Age: 18
Phys description:
Lawful good, rules come first.
Rather t0ll and noodly lad at six foot seven (about door head height) and slouches more often than not. He is not wide at all not one bit. Mostly frame. He is a gentle soul and puts up with the "how's the weather up there?" comments and the fact that the shower head only comes up to his shoulder and that the world was built for hobbits. He's long-suffering and patient, though he does have a breaking point, he will always give you a warning before he goes off.

Abilities: electricity, rocket flight.
Terrance can produce lightning from his blood and skin, respectively. Mostly he forces it from his hands, since those don't have any clothes on them to blacken or burn. In heated instances, his veins can glow with charge. His blasts, just like natural lightning, can cause explosions.
If he focuses a charge, he can produce a force much like a rocket, and use that to fly. This doesn't last long, however. It works more like a glorified jump than anything.

Disadvantage: Likely due to the ability itself, Terrance's heart's electrical activity is out of whack, and suffers from an irregular heartbeat. Because of this, he got a pacemaker when he was thirteen. It is a (futuristic) type with a small, flesh-colored adapter that comes out from his upper sternum. It only needs charged once every three months.
Still, it makes using his electrical abilities risky, because the electricity runs through his blood. If he isnt careful, he may zap the little device and become vulnerable to heart attack.

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