The Hidden Door-A Role Play (AKA The Most Dangerous Coffee Shop II)

Welp, I'mma be confused but yet here I am.

Name: Lilith Fleur
Gender: Female
Physical description and abilities: An 18 year old that stands at 6'0 and has a very skinny and frail frame. Her wavy hair is black with a slightly blue sheen to it, it used to flow gracefully down her back, but about a year back she chopped it off along with her unknown past. Her skin is always an unhealthy pale, and pared with her blood-shot and vein rimmed eyes gives her the look that she may at any second pass out. Wide, bright green eyes with flecks of dark blue are about the only colorful thing about her, always searching around her surroundings nervously or staring out into the distance with a glazed over look. Her lips have small creases on either side that are proof of a time when she almost never stopped smiling, and if she still did, you'd be able to see cute little dimples appear. Due to some calamity occurring in her past, she lost her right arm and had it replaced with a metal one. It's futuristic design has made it look completely normal, but the way she controls it is with a chip implanted in the back of her neck, also allowing her to recall the skin off it to reveal a black metal underneath if she ever wanted to freak people out, which happens plenty. If you were to ever cut out that chip, she'd lose all use of her arm. From the same accident she also gained several scars on her shoulders and legs.
She's usually wearing ripped blue skinny jeans with a belt carrying a sheathed knife on it topped off with a back hoodie. No matter what, she has always worn a silver necklace with a mini dagger on it.
Abilities: Lilith has the odd ability to sense what someone else is feeling or anticipate their actions, which you'd think would make her good with people but instead amplifies her awkward and introverted personality. Also, when she gets a strong enough emotion like anger or sadness, she accidentally will put off a blast of harmful rays of blue light, and she's never been able to control, call on, or predict it, although so far it's only happened twice in her life in highly stressful situations. She also becomes shockingly aggressive when it happens, kind of like when you corner a wounded animal.
Personality: When she does finally talk it's almost impossible to get her to shut up due to her limited interactions with other people, and her incredibly stubborn ways. She's sort of controlling and likes to jump into the fray of things, despite the fact the she apparently does not like most other people. She likes to observe things and learn from them, something that she's always been desperately hungry for-- Knowledge. Although she tells others and herself that she hates being social, she can't help but quietly crave others' presences when she's alone.
Other: She does not like cars at all, but will ride in or drive them when necessary.
Username: @RiverStorm
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I just thought of one more character I want to do. I know I will have four but I will try and RP all of them.

Name: Eve Valentine
Gender :Female
Physical description: she has unusual coloured eyes, they are dark dark blue but violet around the iris. She also has black hair which frames her face. She usually carries around pen and paper as her power requires it. She has very pale skin dotted with a few freckles on her cheeks.
Her ability: her ability is very very hard to explain so I will do my best. She can’t speak. That’s her power. So basically she can speak but her voice is deadly, and I’m order to avoid killing everyone in the room she carry’s pen and paper so she can have a conversation with them. So if someone hears her even if it’s just a whisper they collapse to the floor. This doesn’t just apply to humans but to all living things.
Personality: for someone who can’t speak she’s surprisingly outgoing. She writes what she wants to say on her notepad and shows it to everyone. Her singing voice is amazing but that also stems from her gift. Pretty pointless being able to sing if nobody can ever hear you. She is terrified of doing something to cause someone else pain, she did accidentally kill her third grade teacher and she hasn’t forgiven herself since. She is very sensitive when it comes to her gift and will try at any cost to avoid the subject but at some point it comes up as people wonder why she doesn’t speak. She lives with her older sister and little sister and her parents. Eve is 17. Her mums name is Sally and her dads name is Drew. Her older sister who is 19’s name is Felicia and her younger sister who is 15’s name is Grace. She also has a dog which belongs to the family, his name is Phoenix. She lives in a house in Sherwood England. Though she only moved there recently so she still has an American accent. She is teased for not being able to speak and having weird eyes.
Welp, I'mma be confused but yet here I am.

Name: Lilith Fleur
Gender: Female
Physical description and abilities: An 18 year old that stands at 6'0 and has a very skinny and frail frame. Her wavy hair is black with a slightly blue sheen to it, it used to flow gracefully down her back, but about a year back she chopped it off along with her unknown past. Her skin is always an unhealthy pale, and pared with her blood-shot and vein rimmed eyes gives her the look that she may at any second pass out. Wide, bright green eyes with flecks of dark blue are about the only colorful thing about her, always searching around her surroundings nervously or staring out into the distance with a glazed over look. Her lips have small creases on either side that are proof of a time when she almost never stopped smiling, and if she still did, you'd be able to see cute little dimples appear. Due to some calamity occurring in her past, she lost her right arm and had it replaced with a metal one. It's futuristic design has made it look completely normal, but the way she controls it is with a chip implanted in the back of her neck, also allowing her to recall the skin off it to reveal a black metal underneath if she ever wanted to freak people out, which happens plenty. If you were to ever cut out that chip, she'd lose all use of her arm. From the same accident she also gained several scars on her shoulders and legs.
She's usually wearing ripped blue skinny jeans with a belt carrying a sheathed knife on it topped off with a back hoodie. No matter what, she has always worn a silver necklace with a mini dagger on it.
Abilities: Lilith has the odd ability to sense what someone else is feeling or anticipate their actions, which you'd think would make her good with people but instead amplifies her awkward and introverted personality. Also, when she gets a strong enough emotion like anger or sadness, she accidentally will put off a blast of harmful rays of blue light, and she's never been able to control, call on, or predict it, although so far it's only happened twice in her life in highly stressful situations. She also becomes shockingly aggressive when it happens, kind of like when you corner a wounded animal.
Personality: When she does finally talk it's almost impossible to get her to shut up due to her limited interactions with other people, and her incredibly stubborn ways. She's sort of controlling and likes to jump into the fray of things, despite the fact the she apparently does not like most other people. She likes to observe things and learn from them, something that she's always been desperately hungry for-- Knowledge. Although she tells others and herself that she hates being social, she can't help but quietly crave others' presences when she's alone.
Other: She does not like cars at all, but will ride or drive them when necessary.
Username: @RiverStorm

I just thought of one more character I want to do. I know I will have four but I will try and RP all of them.

Name: Eve Valentine
Gender :Female
Physical description: she has unusual coloured eyes, they are dark dark blue but violet around the iris. She also has black hair which frames her face. She usually carries around pen and paper as her power requires it. She has very pale skin dotted with a few freckles on her cheeks.
Her ability: her ability is very very hard to explain so I will do my best. She can’t speak. That’s her power. So basically she can speak but her voice is deadly, and I’m order to avoid killing everyone in the room she carry’s pen and paper so she can have a conversation with them. So if someone hears her even if it’s just a whisper they collapse to the floor. This doesn’t just apply to humans but to all living things.
Personality: for someone who can’t speak she’s surprisingly outgoing. She writes what she wants to say on her notepad and shows it to everyone. Her singing voice is amazing but that also stems from her gift. Pretty pointless being able to sing if nobody can ever hear you. She is terrified of doing something to cause someone else pain, she did accidentally kill her third grade teacher and she hasn’t forgiven herself since. She is very sensitive when it comes to her gift and will try at any cost to avoid the subject but at some point it comes up as people wonder why she doesn’t speak. She lives with her older sister and little sister and her parents. Eve is 17. Her mums name is Sally and her dads name is Drew. Her older sister who is 19’s name is Felicia and her younger sister who is 15’s name is Grace. She also has a dog which belongs to the family, his name is Phoenix. She lives in a house in Sherwood England. Though she only moved there recently so she still has an American accent. She is teased for not being able to speak and having weird eyes.
Accepted? You guys are coming up with some weird characters.
I'm gonna update Kipp's Character form.

Name: Kipper
Gender: Male
Physical description and abilities: Has small short wings and bird legs, his knees bend the same way a humans do. He's 16 years old almost 17. Fluffy brown hair, and yellow eyes that have a vertical iris like a cats. His ears are shaped like Calla-lilies, there are red spots on his face and arms. He's 5' even, and a lot stronger than he once was. He's taken to wearing a fitted hoodie over a comfortably loose tank-top. Black jogging pants, and for the winter weather, he's finally broken down and gotten a pair of those hideous bright orange bird shoes.

He loves chocolate and sweet hot drinks.

Because of his strange looks he is bullied a lot in school. But since September he's been doing everything he can to make things better. He's realized that not everyone is out to get him, and even if he does look like a weirdo, people aren't going to hate him just for that. He's been working toward being less useless, despite hating every second of it, he took up a fight class, and has been challenging himself to run every day he can, and to practice flying.

He still is cautious around new people, but is a lot less skittish than he was before.
I'm gonna update Kipp's Character form.

Name: Kipper
Gender: Male
Physical description and abilities: Has small short wings and bird legs, his knees bend the same way a humans do. He's 16 years old almost 17. Fluffy brown hair, and yellow eyes that have a vertical iris like a cats. His ears are shaped like Calla-lilies, there are red spots on his face and arms. He's 5' even, and a lot stronger than he once was. He's taken to wearing a fitted hoodie over a comfortably loose tank-top. Black jogging pants, and for the winter weather, he's finally broken down and gotten a pair of those hideous bright orange bird shoes.

He loves chocolate and sweet hot drinks.

Because of his strange looks he is bullied a lot in school. But since September he's been doing everything he can to make things better. He's realized that not everyone is out to get him, and even if he does look like a weirdo, people aren't going to hate him just for that. He's been working toward being less useless, despite hating every second of it, he took up a fight class, and has been challenging himself to run every day he can, and to practice flying.

He still is cautious around new people, but is a lot less skittish than he was before.
Awwwwww love Kipp’s new perspective

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