The Coop Project - finished


8 Years
May 19, 2011
Central Illinois
We started our coop with a 5x10 dog kennel and a box. This is what it has evolved into: The base

We had leftover lumber from putting a new deck on the house so we figured hey why not

We bought a prefab building to use as the actual coop:

Then we just cut a small hole in the side:

And framed it in:

Here is a pic of our supervisor:

There are vents on both top corners:

Then we insulated and put plywood up on the walls:

Hubby built a roost on one wall:

Then we built a nesting box out of an old cabinet and some buckets:

We then expanded the size of the run to 10X10 and put a tarp on part of it:

And for being a wonderful hubby I got him one or maybe a few of these:

It's not as cool looking as a lot of your coops but it works for us, is functional and the flock seems to like it. I do let them out during the day to free range when it is nice out. It's been a fun journey. I had chickens as a child and remember raising them and having my favorites but I forgot how much fun they could be. I will continue to add pics of my flock as we grow.
Everything looks good. I will be interested in learning how you will clean it, with what and how often?
Well done. Coops dont have to be fancy just functional. I like the building & i use a dog kennel for my run as well. I like it & knock on wood nothing has been able to get in to my girls so far. Thanks for posting pics
Everything looks good. I will be interested in learning how you will clean it, with what and how often?
I did paint the walls with a washable exterior paint. as well as the floor. The cabinet is coated and the buckets well those are self explanatory. All surfaces are hose washable. I am trying the deep litter method inside.

Do you have suggestions for me? I'm a little confused as to your question.
How is that working as a flooring for your coop? Are you using some kind of shavings on the floor? Do you just sweep out the droppings and shavings the add these to your compost pile or garden? Do you disinfect the coop after you remove the droppings and shavings or do you just hose everything down with a mild dertergent? How often do you clean out the coop? I am just wanting to learn all I can before getting into raising 3 or 4 hens.
I appreciate your advice.

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