The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Finally! The on-time hatch has begun! :bun
I have 4 pips! Being quail I will probably see them hatched by morning. In fact they will all probably hatch tomorrow, once one hatches the rest follow! Like poping popcorn )
Happy hatching all and congrats to everyone with successful hatches! :woot
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Yes, using an LG is a challenge. I made a few accommodations to lessen the temperature swings. I sealed around the lid with masking tape. I placed the incubator in a cardboard box. And I used an electric heater in the room with the incubator when we had cold days and nights to prevent drafts. All of these accommodations were aimed at removing the factor of cold air coming into the incubator throughout the vents in the bottom of the incubator. My temperature was fairly stable through incubation. I think now that our weather is warmer I should have no problems with temperature swings.
For the most part I wasn't having too much temp swings. I was having more problems with hot spots, namely the outside perimeter under the heating elements and in the corners. With a smaller hatch it would have been easier to adjust the heat for the center and keep them grouped but with a larger amount spread out it's harder to keep them all localized in the same temp area. But we made do.
Had a yellow baby hatch with red eyes... does that mean it's blind? I've never seen this in a chick before
I have been obsessed with albinos since i was a kid, that is cool! seeing your photos, it does look like a true albino-or at least albinism in the eyes, so yes it will be 'blind' but that is in terms of legally, so it probably will never be able to drive a car! i have known a few human albinos over the years (two on my campus at the same time!). they have limited sight (albino animals have the red eyes, most humans are blue but i did meet one with so little blue pigment the red came through and they looked purple-she had UBER thick pop bottle glasses!) what colour is the chick supposed to be? albinism can happen for all colours or the mutation can knock out only one colour. you will have to keep an eye on it outside, i would not allow it to free range or spend lots of time in the sun. white chickens are predator prone already and their limited sight will make them far more vulnerable.

I have had two eggs pip and then die. One pipped yesterday and then did nothing. One pipped today and cheeped for a while. It made the hole a little larger and them seems to have died. There are 6 more in the incubator. There are two thermometers showing 99 degrees and hygrometer showing 72% humidity. Its a Hovabator styrofoam incubator but everything appears to be stable and steady. I didn't expect any to hatch before tomorrow which is day 21.

Show of hands… Who set their eggs on SATURDAY the 14th and is still waiting with absolutely no signs of hatching? :frow

Me too!! :barnie

Partially, as I am still waiting for a sign from any of our 6 shipped SFH that made it to lockdown.

I set sat the 14th at midnight. Gahhhh! I didn't know it would drive me bonkers . At least all the cute pictures are here...
I've got two chicks! On my last hatch I had a bad thermometer and the chicks hatched Day 23/24. This time I've got the spot check but my bator was running hot, so I've got chicks on Day 19/20.

One under the broody is halfway zipped. I e read too much about broodies killing their chicks, so I'm not doing a very good job of staying hands off. I'm going to have to candle tonight, though, because I think I accidentally gave her some questionable eggs.
The chick that pipped through a vein made it just fine. It's resting in the bator. I only have 2 eggs left. One chick is almost done zipping and the other is working on it. 

 The chick that hatched from the Polish egg has feathered feet and dark skin. :lol:  

Silkie dad.
Cant wait for pics
Ok, my number for chickens hatched is 1 out of the ones I set. My bator dropped to 94 on lock down after I put more water in it. It took all day to get it back up. I need to make sure the water is much warmer next time.
I have to remember not to panic that when I see the temp spike to 102, it's because there is a chick or 2 fallen asleep on the other end of the thermometer.

Maybe the floor of the 'bator wasn't the best placement?
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