Teaching chicks to dust bathe?

Jul 22, 2021
I have 5 2 week old chicks that have been trying to dust bathe on the concrete when I bring them outside, I've tried loosening a bit of dirt in the middle of the grass they play on and put in a box of sand and they just eat the sand and do the dust bath motion on the concrete still. I've tried putting my hand in and moving the sand up but they clearly don't get what I'm trying to show them cause im not a chicken lol. I know they'll figure it out eventually but is there anything else I can try to encourage them to bathe in their sand box?
I had chickens once who dust bathed in the brooder even before most of their feathers grew. And my quail go through "virtual reality" as they "dust bathe" with their head in the food boxes. Your chickens will eventually learn to dust bathe in sand, just keep showing them the sand box. Or, if you have an older chicken who bathes in the sand box, perhaps you can show the small chickens the big one bathing in the sand.
I had chickens once who dust bathed in the brooder even before most of their feathers grew. And my quail go through "virtual reality" as they "dust bathe" with their head in the food boxes. Your chickens will eventually learn to dust bathe in sand, just keep showing them the sand box. Or, if you have an older chicken who bathes in the sand box, perhaps you can show the small chickens the big one bathing in the sand.
My chicks from last year started dust bathing in the wood shavings of their brooder too. I've tried bringing them over to watch the older chickens but as soon as the older ones see the chicks they all freeze and stare at them and then hide behind stuff in the run, it's pretty funny.
They'll figure it out. First time I let my last group of chicks out, at 10 days old, they just picked a little patch of the ground and started rolling around in that. At the same time, I had opened the dust bath for the adults so they were enjoying their bath about 3' away and didn't bother the chicks.

I have 5 2 week old chicks that have been trying to dust bathe on the concrete when I bring them outside, I've tried loosening a bit of dirt in the middle of the grass they play on and put in a box of sand and they just eat the sand and do the dust bath motion on the concrete still. I've tried putting my hand in and moving the sand up but they clearly don't get what I'm trying to show them cause im not a chicken lol. I know they'll figure it out eventually but is there anything else I can try to encourage them to bathe in their sand box?
they’ll figure it out eventually- it’s instinct. usually they’ll learn a lot quicker with a mama hen but doesn’t mean without one they won’t learn at all. i’ve raised 3 broods over the years and they all tried to ‘dust bath’ by shimmying in my lap before actually getting dusty lol

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