Dust Bath for Chicks?

I have two week old chicks and a couple of them have started trying... I'm going to follow this and put a small amount in a pan for them.
It didn't happen immediately for us. Just keep trying if they don't seem to be interested or understand it lol.

Thankfully our last two 4 and a half week old chicks spend most daytime hours outside so they picked it up from the older ones already while our first ones didn't seem to get it until later toward their 5 and a half week and older age.
Mine started trying to take dust baths in their shavings a couple of days ago. I ordered some river sand and I plan on making them a dust bath tonight with the river sand, dirt from our yard, DE, and ash. I'm excited to see how they react :D
UPDATE: I tried the plan method... scary, then they just ate the dirt, DE mixture. Didn't work. Then, I tried a little cardboard Amazon shipping box with one side cut down... my little runt figured it out in minutes and took her first bath!
They have been trying to eat the dirt here too. I just left in in there with them all day. I checked on them a few minutes ago and they are hopping in and out of the dust dish. Hopefully they’ll figure it out soon lol.
I had to get dry dirt from under my back porch to give to my chicks. I think they were about 2 weeks old first time I gave them some to bathe in and eat. Some of them overdid it on eating dirt and were literally pooping mud balls. But they all survived and are all healthy at 9 weeks old now.
Smokerbill, that happened with my chicks the first time I gave them a tray of yard dirt to play in! The poops were exactly the same color as our distinctive soil - they definitely enjoyed eating it more than playing in it, and of course pooped some on me while cavorting around at "lap time" outside the brooder. 🤣 😜

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