Taming chickens


In the Brooder
Sep 28, 2017
Is there any way to "tame" adult chickens that have been given to me? I can't even catch them, much less pick them up or pet them. Thanks for any suggestions.
I would start by offering treats occasionally.You can throw treats down beside you and slowly progress to more hands on interaction like eating of your hand.Have a calm manner when interacting with them.Dont chase after them or bring anything outside that they might perceive as threatening like a rake or basket.Training is a very slow process it takes time and patience.Dont Rush It!
Start with tossing a little scratch down and standing by them, or some kitchen scraps. When they get use to you being by them you can use pieces of bread or other treats and sit down and try to get them to eat out of your hand. When that happens you can sneak a pet in. Be patient it may take weeks.
I bought freeze dried meal worms at Walmart....the grouchy chicken in my avatar was eating out of my hand by day 3. Chicken candy!! They were used to being fed by people and seeing them but had never been handled. Now, if Im careful, and approach from the back, I can pet her too and I think she is starting to like it...but it has been a few months.
I bought freeze dried meal worms at Walmart....the grouchy chicken in my avatar was eating out of my hand by day 3. Chicken candy!! They were used to being fed by people and seeing them but had never been handled. Now, if Im careful, and approach from the back, I can pet her too and I think she is starting to like it...but it has been a few months.
Aha! Meal worms and patience. Sounds like just the ticket. Many thanks for your suggestions. I'll give this a try.
Food, always food. Others may disagree, but you could start by not having a full feeder in front of them 24/7. Take the feed away in the evening, bring it back in the morning. They will come running to you b/c they have learned that you are the bringer of the food. Good not to leave feed out at night anyways b/c it attracts vermin.

I am content that my birds mill around me. I will pick them up, and give them a facial massage. But, it's a good idea to remember that chickens are flock animals, prey animals. They view being handled very differently than we do. Want a lap pet, better get a dog. While some chickens do become lap pets, that's not what they were designed for.
I just sat with mine every day at a given time so it became a part of the daily routine,basically morning coffee with the chickens. After a couple of weeks I wasn't anything for them to worry about and they were fine with me. I started offering treats after they accepted my presence it makes it much easier to medicate birds that don't run away immediately after grabbing a treat
If you just got these Birds?....They are a bit stressed and do not trust you....Don't chase or try to catch them...Talk to them as you feed and water...Sit out with them a few minutes a day and have a cue sound or word that you use daily to condition them...Soon the will come running when you call to them....

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