Tail feather loss


Dec 12, 2019
North Florida
So, my girls have been losing their tail feathers. I thought it could be bullying, but I've watched them a lot and haven't seen anything concerning. Their pecking order readjusted after the top two birds were rehomed (one was a rooster, other was its very attached buddy) so I thought maybe it could be stress? But they aren't losing other feathers as far as I can tell, just the long tail feathers. It's very hot and humid in Florida right now. I checked the bum of my friendliest feather-loser and didn't see any evidence of poultry lice or eggs. I've previously dusted the inside of the coop with food grade diatomaceous earth and also mixed it in their food. Any thoughts on what might be going on with their tail feather loss?

Other considerations - I changed their food from dumors I got from tractor Supply to kalmbach I got from chewy.com - I had concerns there was not enough protein/the food was old from tractor Supply and all the other local feed stores are closed here bc of covid. I've read that changing food can cause them to molt but hopefully this food has more nutrition in it so I'm hoping not.

They are panting a lot but I'm doing the best I can to keep them cool in this Florida humid heat - I installed an exhaust fan on their coop but I'm not sure how big a difference it's making, they have shade from the coop itself (off the ground) and I bring them ice water and cold watermelon. I'm worried they could be heat stressed.

Attaching some photos. I also looked at one of their vents to see if it was gleet, but it didn't look anything like the pics I've seen on Google but perhaps people only post the most horrible cases.

Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks!

They are still growing in their adult feathers. Tail feathers are generally the last to come in. Most will be fully feathered by 3-5 months depending on breed. They look healthy otherwise. I wouldn't worry.
Well, they had tail feathers, then they lost them. That's why I'm concerned. The penciled rock, cream legbar, barred rock, and Dominique are all losing their tails. The penciled rock seems stressed a lot and often sits away from the others. I think it's too hot for her, she seems fluffier than the others and has completely lost her tail feathers. These are my first chickens but I've already had so many problems with them that I may be overly worried.. Just seemed weird for them to only lose their tail feathers.

Old pic when they had tail feathers.
Your fence looks secure. Sometimes when grabbed or frightened chickens will drop their tail feathers. It happens sometimes when I'm trying to catch one and I end up pulling them out. It's the only thing that comes to mind as to why just their tails are missing feathers.

It's also possible they are doing a final juvenile molt. Hopefully someone else has a better idea.
I have two EE and a Speckled Sussex rooster that are about the same age as your pullets, and they are all pretty much tail feather-less right now. My Silver Leghorn pullet (same age) has some tail feathers but not many. Like yours, they had tails a few weeks ago. There are no mites/lice or other symptoms with them, they are normal young chickensThis happened with my first batch of chicks a couple of years ago too. Based on my research, and asking around for anecdotal evidence from other more experience chicken keepers, it is pretty normal as long as there aren't any other issues/symptoms.

Sorry you have had problems with your flock. I had almost zero issues for two years and then this winter/spring was really tough for my flock. It stinks but it happens. Looks like you have a nice setup and it sounds like you are caring for them well.

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