Speckled Sussex - Heat tolerance


Sep 14, 2022
Eastern Tennessee
Hello, chicken friends!

I'm researching a couple of breeds to potentially add to our flock. We currently have 8 black Australorps who, so far, have done great in both heat and cold.

We are in Eastern Tennessee, so it gets below freezing on winter nights and gets into the high 90s F (32+ C) during summer days. We have our coop in a very shady area and make sure our girls have access to plenty of clean water in the summertime.

I've read that Speckled Sussexes do well in winter (as they're originally from Great Britain), but they may a tough time in the heat because their feathers are so dense ... unless they live in shade with plenty of water. I don't want to add a breed that might suffer in our hot SE summers. If we add new chickens, I want to make sure they'll be comfortable and happy.

Has anyone here raised Speckled Sussexes anywhere that gets quite hot in summertime?

If a Speckle Sussex would be uncomfortable in the heat, are there similar dual-purpose breeds you'd recommend for both heat and cold tolerance?

Thank you so much!
Feathers really aren't the critical factor in heat, having insulating properties in both directions. It's the comb that gives a chicken an edge in temperature extremes. Single combs are good at wicking away excess body heat in summer, but they aren't so tall that they will get frost bite.

I loved my Specked Sussex hens. Each had a very intense personality, all very different, and they all had self confidence that set them apart from most other breeds. When one goes broody, she makes a very good mother.
Does this look like it can survive the winters in NY? Lol mine do well in the winter and it gets very cold and windy and snowy they also do well in the heat never lost one from heat, very friendly breed aswell
Does this look like it can survive the winters in NY? Lol mine do well in the winter and it gets very cold and windy and snowy they also do well in the heat never lost one from heat, very friendly breed aswell View attachment 3312463
Oh, bless her heart :lol: You can still see that beautiful pattern, though! My goodness! 😍

I'm so glad to hear that they do well in all seasons! I just hated the thought of having a bird be miserable because I placed her in an environment she wasn't built for.

Thank you!

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