Soundproofing the run (not the coop)


5 Years
Dec 17, 2014
Southeast Michigan

I have 6 black sex links, 1 yr old, and two of them can get awfully obnoxious and loud. Constant screeching from about 10 to 2p. I work 9-5 during the week, so i only hear it on weekend and therefore am not trained to go let them out when they get loud.

Since i do work during the week, they tend to be let out after 5p. So on weekends i try to wait until 2p just so theyre used to not getting out in the mornings.

These girls are my pets and i love them, and this screeching (how are they not hoarse after a while?!?!?!?!?;?) is relatively new (2 months maybe?), but ive never wanted to kill a chicken more than i do when they wont shut up. Smh....

They have tons of space, sort of irregular shaped but basically 11' x 18' with a small piece behind the coop too. They have food, water, stuff to climb and jump on.

All of my google searches turn up soundproofing the coop. I dont need that. They only sleep in the coop. I need to soundproof my hardwire, 6' tall run walls.

I live in a city that allows them, but crap those two can be obnoxiously loud!!!!!!!!!

And no, no neighbors have complained. This is primarily for my own sanity.


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