Chickens too scared to leave coop


5 Years
May 29, 2019
A few hours ago, I was out visiting with my chickens when a murder of crows flew overhead, loudly squawking. The chickens got spooked and ran into their coop like they were running for their lives. I stood outside the run and watched--no signs of hawks or anything, but the crows seemed worked up and were eventually circling my neighbor's house. Within a couple minutes the crows moved on from the area.

However, my chickens didn't come back out of the coop. At first I figured they were spooked and let them be. A couple hours later, I checked, and they still won't come out. I tried luring them out with treats to show all was okay, but only the boldest would come out to grab one before darting back to the coop. Keep in mind, these are very friendly and social chickens who will always flank me when I visit. None of the chickens were hurt or injured, so I'm not sure why they're so very worked up ND jumpy.

I'm worried because their coop is very small and has no water or food--so all day long they haven't been eating or drinking. Will they eventually come out? Should I lure them out and close the coop door so they see everything is okay?
It's very likely that a hawk is/was in the area. Don't lock them out of the coop. Allow them to come out in their own good time.
What's strange is that hawks have always been around and they haven't scared the chickens before when flying overhead (mine don't have the best survival instincts). Crows are always around, too. It is normal for us to have crow vs hawk wars overhead even while they're supervised free ranging. I don't know why this time they got so spooked. I really didn't see anything besides crows fussing and had a clear shot of the sky.

Anyway, thanks for your guidance. I'll let them be and hope they feel safe enough to stop being a bunch of chickens.

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