Someone told me strawberry tops are toxic to chickens?????

If that were true I would have lots of dead chickens
I feed mine strawberries at least once a week...the ones that don't get eaten in the house go to the chickens.
When my Charlie Girl was alive, the chickens would steal food right out of her mouth! What's a poor dog to do? Mama says no bothering the chickens, but the chickens bothered her to no end.
Gritsar, my pups sit at my feet and wonder why is mom taking that stuff out the door to those darned birds! They look at me as if to say, "Used to be we were the only ones around here getting treats but not anymore. What is this stuff??? Watermelon. Ick! K, give it to the birds. We are going to sit here and wait for something better."
That was Charlie Girl. She loved bread and didn't understand why suddenly she had to share it. So I started giving her a piece at the same time as the chickens. They always finished theirs first and then stole hers.
This is good to read b/c I have several potted strawberry plants and they are regularly attacked by squirrels, birds and chipmunks so I wanted to move the pots into the large chicken run—— at least my girls can have them if we cannot!

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