Silver Laced Wyandottes that lay blue eggs

I'm getting ready for another year of selection and breeding. My SLW's are laying about 8 eggs per day and should ramp up quite a bit in early February. One desirable trait in SLW is laying even in the coldest weather so long as they have plenty of food.

I have a two year old rooster tested homozygous for oocyanin. I have 6 young roosters which will be culled after oocyanin tests keeping only homozygous roosters. Based on egg laying results, half of these roosters should be homozygous. Did I mention that all hens this year should lay blue eggs? I had 3 homozygous roosters from tests comleted 3/25/2022. I removed all older hens laying brown eggs (given to a neighbor for layers), and kept only blue egg layers. Chicks raised last year are now laying with all producing blue eggs so far.

I have 32 hens of which 4 are golden laced and the rest silver laced. About 6 of the hens have very good colors with rose comb. The rest have various flaws such as poor pattern, single comb, etc. I focus on roosters culling heavily for SLW traits combined with homozygous oocyanin. The six retained roosters have already been culled removing all poor colors and single comb. When I have them tested, I can then keep only the roosters that will stabilize blue egg color in my chickens. I'll take a few pictures to post in a few days.

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