Sick/dying chicken + DL Methionine question. HELP PLEASE


In the Brooder
May 3, 2023
We have a frizzle who’s around 10 months old and she has a huge bald spot, her wings are made of pins not feathers, and she has wounds all over. no evidence of being picked at by others (we have cameras). what should we do to help her? 2 of our others have small bald spots so we’re thinking of giving them DL-Methinonine to help but i can’t find a dosage guide for chickens anywhere! please help!
i don’t have pictures of the wounds right now but they’re swollen and have dried blood. one on each corner of her wings (two total) plus a few others. we put a smock thing on her with the intention of covering / protecting the wounds but it doesn’t really stay in place or cover the wounds well. i’ll try to get pictures tomorrow when she’s in the nesting box.
Feather issues in frizzles are not uncommon. It's genetic to start with, and some of them have genetics that make their feathers really bad. If they get two of the frizzle genes, their feathers are really brittle and break off or fall out.
Can you post some pictures so we can see the feathers, and the wounds?
There are a lot of studies, most of what I can find say 1g - 1.5 g per kilogram of feed is the dosing. Most commercial feeds contain it already. I have never supplemented it in my flock, so I have no personal experience with it. Organic poultry feeds cannot use the synthetic forms, or they are limited in amount.

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