Show off your house ducks!

With my pheasants I had to keep the brooder at eye level so that they could see me otherwise they would call for me. I ended up sleeping in the living room next to the brooder because they would cry so loudly they would wake up the entire house. Later on they got old enough to sleep alone, but would still cry without their night light until they were half grown. (They didn't care about a heat lamp, but they insisted on having a little light on at night...)

Some businesses are more bird friendly than others. There was one deli owner that insisted I come inside with my conure (who was diapered whenever I took her out) so that he could cuddle with her. I doubt the folks at the Chinese buffet will be quite so understanding tomorrow though!

...I want to see a conjure in a diaper. Like, real bad. <3

And boy, your experience hits super close to home! I'd get woken up at all hours of the night because Wobbles would wake up and couldn't see me over the lip of the brooder. That's why we swapped to a transparent plastic bin as soon as we were able! I've been able to take Wobbles to a surprising number of places, including wedding dress shopping, hehe! He's definitely a conversation starter, that's for sure. But I haven't found any food establishments that allows ducks so far, and with the whole avian flu happening here in Washington I doubt that's gonna change anytime soon.
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...I want to see a conjure in a diaper. Like, real bad. <3

And boy, your experience hits super close to home! I'd get woken up at all hours of the night because Wobbles would wake up and couldn't see me over the lip of the brooder. That's why we swapped to a transparent plastic bin as soon as we were able! I've been able to take Wobbles to a surprising number of places, including wedding dress shopping, hehe! He's definitely a conversation starter, that's for sure. But I haven't found any food establishments that allows ducks so far, and with the whole avian flu happening here in Washington I doubt that's gonna change anytime soon.
Let me fish through my pictures, I should have some of ladybird in her diaper!
With my pheasants I had to keep the brooder at eye level so that they could see me otherwise they would call for me.  I ended up sleeping in the living room next to the brooder because they would cry so loudly they would wake up the entire house. Later on they got old enough to sleep alone, but would still cry without their night light until they were half grown. (They didn't care about a heat lamp, but they insisted on having a little light on at night...)

Some businesses are more bird friendly than others.  There was one deli owner that insisted I come inside with my conure (who was  diapered whenever I took her out) so that he could cuddle with her.  I doubt the folks at the Chinese buffet will be quite so understanding tomorrow though!

A night light! That's hilarious. I should install a night light in the chicken coop. My darn chickens STILL aren't all laying, and I want those serama eggs for the hatch a long!
Nice to know the light thing is normal. These two new ducklings throw a fit when we turn off the lights at night. Everyday they settle in, but I can't figure out why they want the light! They are just sleeping lol

I wish there was a place like that here!  I'd be out with the ducks all the time!  (And it is funny how many people can't tell the difference between a duck and a goose - despite the fact that they look totally different!)

I bet most people could tell the difference if you had them out side by side, but I guess if you're not around them all the time like we all are it's hard to tell. It always makes me giggle though. We should rename ChaCha Goose lol
...I want to see a conjure in a diaper. Like, real bad. <3

And boy, your experience hits super close to home! I'd get woken up at all hours of the night because Wobbles would wake up and couldn't see me over the lip of the brooder. That's why we swapped to a transparent plastic bin as soon as we were able! I've been able to take Wobbles to a surprising number of places, including wedding dress shopping, hehe! He's definitely a conversation starter, that's for sure. But I haven't found any food establishments that allows ducks so far, and with the whole avian flu happening here in Washington I doubt that's gonna change anytime soon.

Seems we've got opposite problems! I have a hard time getting ChaCha into stores, but eating out with her isn't that big of a deal. Of course I'm in Arizona so most restaurants have a patio out front and we're a very pet friendly community it seems.
Seems we've got opposite problems! I have a hard time getting ChaCha into stores, but eating out with her isn't that big of a deal. Of course I'm in Arizona so most restaurants have a patio out front and we're a very pet friendly community it seems.

Oh, getting permission to go into the stores isn't a problem, but his behavior can be. When he's in his carrier he can't see me as well, and so sometimes he'll start quacking his head off. And of course, someone always wants to pet him, so they'll sometimes unzip the flap a bit when I'm not looking and they inevitably get bitten! Good think ducks are terrible at inflicting damage of any sort!
...I want to see a conjure in a diaper. Like, real bad. <3

This was the easiest one for me to find. Her diaper is red so it blends into the color of her breast feathers (She was a pineapple green cheek) We were out on one of our many road trips - this one to pick up my daughter I believe. (she liked to stop at Dunkin' Donuts for a fruit coolata - and liked the whipped cream the best!)
This was the easiest one for me to find. Her diaper is red so it blends into the color of her breast feathers (She was a pineapple green cheek) We were out on one of our many road trips - this one to pick up my daughter I believe. (she liked to stop at Dunkin' Donuts for a fruit coolata - and liked the whipped cream the best!)
that rocks. Can she fly or is she clipped?
Oh, getting permission to go into the stores isn't a problem, but his behavior can be. When he's in his carrier he can't see me as well, and so sometimes he'll start quacking his head off. And of course, someone always wants to pet him, so they'll sometimes unzip the flap a bit when I'm not looking and they inevitably get bitten! Good think ducks are terrible at inflicting damage of any sort!
will never forget your Michaels and Wobbles story.
Oh, getting permission to go into the stores isn't a problem, but his behavior can be. When he's in his carrier he can't see me as well, and so sometimes he'll start quacking his head off. And of course, someone always wants to pet him, so they'll sometimes unzip the flap a bit when I'm not looking and they inevitably get bitten! Good think ducks are terrible at inflicting damage of any sort!
I'm glad to hear ChaCha isn't the only one who bites when she's surprised! Does Wobs hiss or do the head bobbing thing? I keep ChaCha's head sticking out the front of the bag so I can keep an eye on her lol like a puppy purse!
This was the easiest one for me to find. Her diaper is red so it blends into the color of her breast feathers (She was a pineapple green cheek) We were out on one of our many road trips - this one to pick up my daughter I believe. (she liked to stop at Dunkin' Donuts for a fruit coolata - and liked the whipped cream the best!)
ChaCha hours to Dunkin all the time! She doesn't get anything delicious like that though. What a lucky little birdy! Thanks for sharing her!
that rocks. Can she fly or is she clipped?
I never clipped her - we have cats, and although they never bothered each other, I wanted her to be able to fly if she needed to. Diaper training her was hysterical, she would roll around on her back and look absolutely forlorn. She hated the thing, but knew that if she wanted to go anywhere outside, she had to have it on. Once we got to a place where she could fly free, I would let her get out of it.

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