Show off your house ducks!

We just got back from the vet and she doesn't think it's the same egg that's been there the whole time, I'm starting to believe her because this egg was softer and I could indent it which made it feel broken. Misty hasn't been eating her oyster shell, so that would explain why it's painful for her to pass them because the reproductive system needs calcium for the muscles I guess. She also said if she is laying everyday, then I would constantly feel an egg there and she might be chronic egg laying because she wants to nest, so she is sitting in her nest with an infertile chicken egg now. I'm hoping that this works and she's right, because it did make sense if this is the problem, Misty does like to sit on her nest (or beg to go to the backyard in the bamboo even after she's laid an egg that day). she said to call her if she starts acting sick and depressed or the problem isn't solved. She prescribed us some liquid calcium, and I think I'll pick up some tablets if she wont like the liquid in her treats. The vet also said that I should stop petting her when she squats for me as that could make her want to nest. I guess she tells people with parrots that they shouldn't let them bond with them because they can get sexually frustrated, too.

Another thing that makes me feel a little guilty is sometimes at night when I'm ready to go to bed, I'll take Misty out of her nest and put her in her crate. I guess it never occurred to me that she wanted to brood because she wouldn't lay in there all day. I'm going to let her do her thing now and sit on the nest as long as she wants.

I'm so sorry to hear she's having trouble!! Best wishes to you all, and definitely keep us updated on her condition


My sue and daffy!!

Aww adorable!
I'm finally getting my eggs tomorrow morning, but the 5-month wait from egg to adult is gonna be excruciating! You guys don't even wanna see my hands right now, they're pretty gross. We're talking pelted with cuts and bruises. Why couldn't Wobbles have been a girl? Why?

I'm kidding of course, I'd love the bugger no matter what gender. But I do feel bad for him, and myself! Suddenly I find myself gaining intimate knowledge about drake anatomy...and finding new, inventive ways to disinfect the immediate area when he has himself a, er, 'good time'. Just call me the Martha Stewart of duck depravity.

I'm finally getting my eggs tomorrow morning, but the 5-month wait from egg to adult is gonna be excruciating! You guys don't even wanna see my hands right now, they're pretty gross. We're talking pelted with cuts and bruises. Why couldn't Wobbles have been a girl? Why? 

I'm kidding of course, I'd love the bugger no matter what gender. But I do feel bad for him, and myself! Suddenly I find myself gaining intimate knowledge about drake anatomy...and finding new, inventive ways to disinfect the immediate area when he has himself a, er, 'good time'. Just call me the Martha Stewart of duck depravity.

so you are talking eggs. Does that mean if you get, say, seven of them and they all hatch, what will you do with all the ducks? I am asking out of curiosity. As for anatomy, I saw a male duck's IT in real life. I thought all males were genital free and just had the semen and sperm come from the innards of their cloaca. Apparently not I learned. Some birds have IT and some don't. Nature.....
I'm finally getting my eggs tomorrow morning, but the 5-month wait from egg to adult is gonna be excruciating! You guys don't even wanna see my hands right now, they're pretty gross. We're talking pelted with cuts and bruises. Why couldn't Wobbles have been a girl? Why?

I'm kidding of course, I'd love the bugger no matter what gender. But I do feel bad for him, and myself! Suddenly I find myself gaining intimate knowledge about drake anatomy...and finding new, inventive ways to disinfect the immediate area when he has himself a, er, 'good time'. Just call me the Martha Stewart of duck depravity.

Yay!!! My call eggs will hopefully be in next week weather permitting - we can do a mini call HAL!!!
so you are talking eggs. Does that mean if you get, say, seven of them and they all hatch, what will you do with all the ducks? I am asking out of curiosity. As for anatomy, I saw a male duck's IT in real life. I thought all males were genital free and just had the semen and sperm come from the innards of their cloaca. Apparently not I learned. Some birds have IT and some don't. Nature.....

I have several takers for any excess ducklings. As for the other...stuff, I guess it makes sense anatomically, if they didn't have it the sperm would just disperse in the water. Wanna know a cute little scientific tidbit? For most other bird species, the act of copulation is called a "cloacal kiss". <3

Yay!!! My call eggs will hopefully be in next week weather permitting - we can do a mini call HAL!!!

Awwww yeah! Hehe this'll be exciting!
I'm finally getting my eggs tomorrow morning, but the 5-month wait from egg to adult is gonna be excruciating! You guys don't even wanna see my hands right now, they're pretty gross. We're talking pelted with cuts and bruises. Why couldn't Wobbles have been a girl? Why? 

I'm kidding of course, I'd love the bugger no matter what gender. But I do feel bad for him, and myself! Suddenly I find myself gaining intimate knowledge about drake anatomy...and finding new, inventive ways to disinfect the immediate area when he has himself a, er, 'good time'. Just call me the Martha Stewart of duck depravity.


Sorry, had to

I'm finally getting my eggs tomorrow morning, but the 5-month wait from egg to adult is gonna be excruciating! You guys don't even wanna see my hands right now, they're pretty gross. We're talking pelted with cuts and bruises. Why couldn't Wobbles have been a girl? Why? 

I'm kidding of course, I'd love the bugger no matter what gender. But I do feel bad for him, and myself! Suddenly I find myself gaining intimate knowledge about drake anatomy...and finding new, inventive ways to disinfect the immediate area when he has himself a, er, 'good time'. Just call me the Martha Stewart of duck depravity.

so you are talking eggs. Does that mean if you get, say, seven of them and they all hatch, what will you do with all the ducks? I am asking out of curiosity. As for anatomy, I saw a male duck's IT in real life. I thought all males were genital free and just had the semen and sperm come from the innards of their cloaca. Apparently not I learned. Some birds have IT and some don't. Nature.....

All poultry & waterfowl that I have encountered have "it." Chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, quail, guineas, quail, peafowl...yup...they all definitely have "it."

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