Shop that sells wires doesn't have stainless or powder coated, can galvanized- zinc coated be used?

Thank you, do you maybe know if galvanized mesh is safe for their cage?
Is galvanized mesh the one with zinc? If yes, then it's a no from me. Birds may get zinc poisoning from chewing and injesting it. Stainless steel mesh (the one which is quite bendy) is the safest I think. They wont like chewing on it and its pretty hard too
Is galvanized mesh the one with zinc? If yes, then it's a no from me. Birds may get zinc poisoning from chewing and injesting it. Stainless steel mesh (the one which is quite bendy) is the safest I think. They wont like chewing on it and its pretty hard too
an the first one be option if you wash it with vinegar? I hope I can find in my area stainless steel mesh.
If the wire has zinc, then don't use it!

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