Shop that sells wires doesn't have stainless or powder coated, can galvanized- zinc coated be used?

Mine c
Are you sure yours contain zinc?
Mine came from home depot
Interesting how you never had a problem. Do you remember soaking it in vinegar or something those 8 years ago?
My first cages i built i did wash the wire with soap and water but just made new cages last year didnt do anything special my birds dont chew the wires either.
Found this thread after my 3-year old Dark Brahma Fuzzball was diagnosed with zinc poisoning

She has 5-year old sisters that have never been sick

The galvanized hardware cloth we’ve used to protect the Run is the culprit. She tries to peck at the compost pile (left) through the screen and it almost ended her

I’ll be removing or creating a barrier this weekend
Galvanizing is pretty safe in most circumstances. Welding galvanized material is really problematic though as toxic fumes are created. If you chew the galvanized costing off the steel that is a problem too. But, FDA approved galvanized products for food preparation and conveyence EXCEPT for acidic foodstuff like tomatos. The acidity causes corrosion and heavy metal oxides are transferred to the food. So, you should not be treating it with vinegar.

Besides the zinc, galvanizing coating will often contain some lead and cadmium as well.

I've never had a problem using galvanized wire for pens and cages. But, that's only when I can afford it. Plastic mesh is much cheaper but not as secure. I don't like vinyl coated steel because the cut ends quickly rust and the rust then eats its way under the vinyl.

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