Shaky/weak legs rooster


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 16, 2012
My barred plymouth rock rooster (a bit over 1 year old) has shaky and weak legs. I discovered it this morning - yesterday he was completely fine. He tries to walk around and just stumbles. When he stops walking he just sort of sinks back onto his shins/knees and looks around. Nothing looks wrong on him - no blood, missing feathers, caked stool. Like I said, he was fine yesterday, and all my hens are fine.
Any suggestions?
is he walking on stable ground? If not, that could be the case

or, something might be wrong with his legs. his legs could be broken If so, I wouldn't expect him to make it. If not, I'd ask a vet or somebody who's a master at treating chickens. another possibility is that he hopped down from someplace high and is pretty dizzy, or that he's not healthy. I have never had a chicken with that type of problem before, but I lost a chick via broken leg, so I know a little bit. hope you can figure out what's wrong with her!
Thanks for the thoughts and suggestions. I don't think the legs are broken. It seems muscular. The ground is flat and he has been on it a lot, both this year and last.
Unfortunately I didn't end up finding out what was wrong with the Rooster. He just got worse - not eating, not drinking, not able to use his legs to stand. He just flopped on his side and used a wall to stay upright. I had to put him down because he was suffering. It was very sad but I soon afterwards found a new rooster for my girls - an extra from someone's straight run flock.
Sorry I can't be more helpful.
My only guess would be possibly Merriks but it's unusual to have only one case especially when no new birds have been introduced.
I'm sorry you lost the kid, good luck with the new guy!

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