
Apr 11, 2023
SW Manitoba, Canada
I have had 3 hens in the last few weeks show signs of varying degrees of prolapse. I've been trying to researching into causes to see if it is anything I am doing and what I can do to fix it.

I have been treating them with witch hazel, and 2 seem to be ok, but just had the third show it today.

Can it be caused by stress? Environmental factors? Or is it pretty much always relegated to the health/internal and nutritional issues?

Any insight would be helpful!!
Are you feeding them a layer feed? If not, are you providing calcium? I'm not sure that witch hazel is beneficial. From what I understand, it stings and could be causing irritation due to that.

I would think it's more likely to come from health or nutrition issues that environmental factors unless you're picking them up and squeezing them.
I havn't been able to find a layer feed for gamebird locally, am looking at supplementing their calcium.

When I have noticed it, it has been when I am holding them to clean off feet or some such. They seem to get very stressed and the prolapse appears... I'm trying to limit the amount I have to handle them, and will be reworking cages to help with sanitation.

As far as the witch hazel, my research had said that it helps tone up and tighten the tissue to help heal the prolapse.

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