
  1. Wandering_r0gue

    Serial Prolapse

    I have had 3 hens in the last few weeks show signs of varying degrees of prolapse. I've been trying to researching into causes to see if it is anything I am doing and what I can do to fix it. I have been treating them with witch hazel, and 2 seem to be ok, but just had the third show it today...
  2. Knepper

    Is it better to have 2 ducks or 3?

    I have a 3 bird limit where i live. I just lost my heart, sweet pete was my other ducks mate. I got her a new female friend to help her along. I just wanted to know if i should get a 3rd? I know ducks are flock oriented social animals so im just not sure what to do. Is 3 too many? They are in a...
  3. RocheeBum

    Names for 3 Silkies

    Our Silkie eggs are currently in a friends incubator ready to hatch end of April. If all goes well we should have 3 new Silkie chicks to take home! This is my first time keeping chickens but my husband had chickens as a child. I am very excited for my 3 ladies to arrive and to also care for...
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