Serama Cockerel doesn't have tail feathers.


Mar 13, 2015
Long Island, NY
So our Serama cockerel never grew in feathers like my hen did. My guess is that the feathers were pulled out as a chick before we got him (we got him when he was already 4 weeks old)

Now, our hen just has a full thing of tail feathers, and our cockerel has three. Just three, long tail feathers, that's all. He grew in three and has always had no more than three. He is 5 months old and has already begun crowing (and has hackle feathers) but shows absolutely no sign of growing sickle feathers. I was told that feathers that were pulled out would grow back in a few weeks, but he's always been like this. Is it something we'll have to wait until the molt comes for, or will they never grow in?

I can post pictures if necessary. Thanks!
Pics would help. Some of my chickens look quite scraggly right now due to molt. He is very young and therefore maybe he has not developed them yet, and when he goes thru a molt, it may change as well.
Probably not quite old enough for the big sickle feathers....probably won't be long tho.

Pics would help. Some of my chickens look quite scraggly right now due to molt. He is very young and therefore maybe he has not developed them yet, and when he goes thru a mol, it may change as well.
Thanks for the replies. Here are some pictures of the cockerel as well as the pullets for comparison.

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