See some neat FEET!


7 Years
Sep 26, 2015
Portland OR
I've had plenty of toes that start out pink and fill in the rest of the way with whatever the main color happens to be, but this is the first one of these I've seen- she's around 3 mo old now.

They tickled me pink … ehhhr … blue …. so I thought I'd share.



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What breed is it?

She is a mix of mixes. One of my broody hens started a secret nest at our new house - and by the time I found the eggs they were far enough along that I just let her hatch them. Usually I've got everything marked when I set eggs - but on top of being a mix of mixes … she's also a mystery chick.
She is a mix of mixes. One of my broody hens started a secret nest at our new house - and by the time I found the eggs they were far enough along that I just let her hatch them. Usually I've got everything marked when I set eggs - but on top of being a mix of mixes … she's also a mystery chick.

Well, with those feet as an identification color, you will know what one she is even if you have another one of the same colored feathering.
Well, with those feet as an identification color, you will know what one she is even if you have another one of the same colored feathering.

Yes! I have a number of dark grays running about, but she will be unmistakable! Usually they're easy to distinguish once they've got their final feathers, but she went out and got herself a tattoo. :gig

I am going to check her siblings from that same hatch tomorrow to see whether anyone else from the mystery batch (9 hatched, 3 cockerels, 6 pullets) did the same thing. It's been a chaotic year with moving, building and getting a property ready to sell. I did keep the shells though, so once I get back to my normal record keeping, and everyone is done molting and back to laying, I might be able to narrow it down- and of course seeing them at maturity helps.
Wow! Those are some great photos, and feet! By any chance, may I see a picture of the whole bird in question?

I'm kind of fascinated by the individual scales that are half black and half blue.

Of course it rained- so her toes are covered in mud, but this is the striped toed chicken.
Edited to add: That white tail belongs to another pullet in just the right spot so it looks like it could be hers, LOL - she's the same color/pattern all over.


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