All girls? 7-8 wk old Marans, SLW, Barnevelder, Crevecoeur


Scarborough Fair
7 Years
Jul 3, 2016
WA, Pac NW
My Coop
My Coop
Always easier sexing other people's chicks, right? They all look like pullets to me but let's see if anyone spots any telltale signs that I'm just not seeing.

The first three chicks are just under 7 weeks old, the fourth (Crevecoeur) is just under 8 weeks old.

(Unspecificed) Blue Marans. As far as I know male Marans are usually extremely obvious early on, though not sure if that extends to all colors. Her earlobes started reddening at 5 weeks though, not sure if that's relevant.

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Silver Laced Wyandotte. She started pinking up at 3 weeks but I've read that that's not uncommon with these. Otherwise the comb hasn't started puffing up as would be more typical of male, and there's fairly little wattles though definitely more than the others.

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Barnevelder. This one was tough for me as she had a solid black chest until around 5 weeks, however I've seen evidence of dark chested pullets that ended up growing in laced feathers later on. Lacing has come in on chest now, from what I understand it's mostly females that have laced chests? She is growing and feathering in at a slower rate than the others so a bit runty. There was a slight pink tint on comb at 5 weeks too.

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Crevecoeur. Nothing says male to me thus far (comb is not noticeable and not pink, and no wattles) but I have zero experience with crested breeds. I'm trying to evaluate the shape of the hairdo but I guess that's not an indicator until they're older as male specific head feathers come in around 12 weeks?

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They all look like pullets to me, but had to chime in on your Barnevelder. I also had one with a black chest and it scared me to death for a few weeks trying to figure her out lol. She turned out to be one of my most beautiful barnie girls ever. Yours definitely looks like a pullet, too.
Also agree with this🤣
Yeah I can make educated guesses on other people's photos, but when it's your own birds I think most of us wear pullet-colored lenses. :) It's why hubby has been pestering me daily to post photos: "I want to know what other chicken people think!"
They all look like pullets to me, but had to chime in on your Barnevelder. I also had one with a black chest and it scared me to death for a few weeks trying to figure her out lol. She turned out to be one of my most beautiful barnie girls ever. Yours definitely looks like a pullet, too.
Thank you for the confirmation! I saw post and photos online where people said that a solid black chest on a chick = male, but then there were a few posts where a chick with solid black grew in laced and brown feathers later on, and turned out to be female.
Thank you for the confirmation! I saw post and photos online where people said that a solid black chest on a chick = male, but then there were a few posts where a chick with solid black grew in laced and brown feathers later on, and turned out to be female.
Yes, I was obsessed a couple of years ago when I had my first two Barnevelders. One was the typical pullet coloring and the other had a black chest and her lacing just looked all uneven like a male. I even posted here on this forum about it lol. Every day was a roller coaster because I would think she was a pullet one minute and then think she was a cockerel the next lol. Yours will be beautiful! And they lay the prettiest eggs of any chicken I have ever had - I don't mean because they are darker, but because they have an iridescent coloring and the shape is just pretty in my opinion.

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