Security Alert


Premium Feather Member
15 Years
Feb 2, 2009
Southeast Louisiana
I've been getting this alert while on this forum which locks up the keyboard. Nifty asked me to post it here to see if anyone else is seeing this.

Thank you @Ridgerunner !

We haven't been able to duplicate or find the issue, so I'm hoping it's either super isolated or maybe other peeps can shed light that will help us discover a fix.

If any other members are seeing a similar certificate error, please reply with what browser and version you're using.
Since I started this thread it has stopped. I haven't seen it again, here or any other site. I did not change a thing, browser or anything else.

It would sometimes show up on other sites but the worst was this chicken forum. It was showing up am few times a day every day, the only way to unlock the computer was to close out Explorer. Then suddenly it stopped.

If it happens again I'll view the certificate and see what I can capture on a screenshot.

Ok, an update: We're working to find a solution! Fortunately there shouldn't be any security risks associated with that message... just an inconvenience.

We work with a bunch of different ad-networks to try and make sure we have a good mix of advertising for our site visitors. Unfortunately this makes it tricky to isolate and find a solution.

So, hopefully we'll be able to identify the source and find a fix, but in the meantime here is what our advertising guy suggested:

"Generally the solution is that a user has to manually delete the cookie from their browser."

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