Solved Link Issues

For me and all my picture issues you're trying to help me with, I'm probably the last person you want to help YOU fix something lol. But, here's my two cents:

For my computer, the linking works fine just like Kiki posted. I typed Kiki, then highlighted that, then clicked the link, and pasted the link to her post in the box. But you're saying you can't even get the link to open up. Have you tried CTRL-K after you highlight the text.
For me and all my picture issues you're trying to help me with, I'm probably the last person you want to help YOU fix something lol. But, here's my two cents:

For my computer, the linking works fine just like Kiki posted. I typed Kiki, then highlighted that, then clicked the link, and pasted the link to her post in the box. But you're saying you can't even get the link to open up. Have you tried CTRL-K after you highlight the text.
I just did. This is a tablet, so I don't know if I did it correctly, but it didn't work. :(
I see what you're saying. Do you have an account on one of the sister sites? See if it works as expected on a sister site.
I have an account on TheEasyGarden and I just tried it. It worked perfectly for that site.
ah, I see you have a keyboard with the ctrl key! The link shortcut key is ctrl k. Try that.
I tried that and the Insert Link option will show (transparently) for a second, then disappear.

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