Sponsored Post Safety With Ease | Harris Farms Automated Coop Door


BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
MP_AutoCoopDoor_ 800x400.png

"The Harris Farms Automated Coop Door was super easy to put together, the only part that took time was deciding where to cut the hole and cutting it (max 5 minutes)”

Click here to learn more about how you can protect your flock & read more on how to install your very own Harris Farms Automated Coop Door!


Let us know your thoughts!
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What's the advantage of using a cabled door? I have two automatic doors, different brands, but both have aluminum doors with direct-drive gearing that opens and closes the door. When they are down, the gearing on the motor is engaged and the door can't be easily pushed up. So far, that mechanism has worked well for me.
What's the advantage of using a cabled door? I have two automatic doors, different brands, but both have aluminum doors with direct-drive gearing that opens and closes the door. When they are down, the gearing on the motor is engaged and the door can't be easily pushed up. So far, that mechanism has worked well for me.
I think some keepers prefer to have a cable and pulley over gears so that a chicken cannot be permanently injured if the safety mechanism were to malfunction.

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