
Mar 27, 2022
I got 6 anacona ducklings about 6 weeks ago and got them integrated into my established flock (12 chickens, 2 Pekin’s) about 2 weeks ago. Everyone has gotten along fine but I’ve noticed one of my anaconas isn’t growing or developing like my other ones.
Shes much smaller than the other babies and she’s been sitting a lot. I give all of my flock vitamin B complex in their water and her hock joints look fine, no bowed legs.

She is definitely lowest on the pecking order, but my question is, is she lowest because she is so small? Or small because she’s lowest?
Is she small because the flock not letting her eat/drink or swim in the pools until very last?
It’s gotten to now when I go and feed them treats and refill their feeders she just sits in the background and doesn’t even try to make her way in.
Not sure what to do. Should I separate her? Or is she just naturally smaller and let her stay with the flock? She becomes very panicked when separated, one of the most afraid ducklings I’ve ever had! Especially towards humans.
Thanks for any help
I got 6 anacona ducklings about 6 weeks ago and got them integrated into my established flock (12 chickens, 2 Pekin’s) about 2 weeks ago. Everyone has gotten along fine but I’ve noticed one of my anaconas isn’t growing or developing like my other ones.
Shes much smaller than the other babies and she’s been sitting a lot. I give all of my flock vitamin B complex in their water and her hock joints look fine, no bowed legs.

She is definitely lowest on the pecking order, but my question is, is she lowest because she is so small? Or small because she’s lowest?
Is she small because the flock not letting her eat/drink or swim in the pools until very last?
It’s gotten to now when I go and feed them treats and refill their feeders she just sits in the background and doesn’t even try to make her way in.
Not sure what to do. Should I separate her? Or is she just naturally smaller and let her stay with the flock? She becomes very panicked when separated, one of the most afraid ducklings I’ve ever had! Especially towards humans.
Thanks for any help
I would give her more niacin if she's lying down a lot, could you get a photo of her in comparison to the others?
You are asking a which came first question, the chicken or the egg. The answer might be both. She was a little smaller, so she got picked on and didn't get enough food, thus making her even smaller. If I were you, I would separate her with one other female duck. One who is higher in the peking order but nice. I would then give her extra food with added nutritional yeast (for the niacin) and treats.
You are asking a which came first question, the chicken or the egg. The answer might be both. She was a little smaller, so she got picked on and didn't get enough food, thus making her even smaller. If I were you, I would separate her with one other female duck. One who is higher in the peking order but nice. I would then give her extra food with added nutritional yeast (for the niacin) and treats.
Lol definitely a silly question for sure! 🤪

As for higher in the pecking order, she hangs out with this other ducking that is probably next in line. Would they be ok? Or should I do someone higher?
Also, I give them all vitamin B complex in their water. Should I still give her an extra boost if niacin in her food?

Sorry if those are more silly questions, this is my first year owning ducks. Got my 2 Pekin’s only 3 months ago and jumping to 8 ducks in total definitely brings a lot more questions
Also I’m not sure if this is relevant or helpful at all but they do forage for a few hours a day each day
Lol definitely a silly question for sure! 🤪

As for higher in the pecking order, she hangs out with this other ducking that is probably next in line. Would they be ok? Or should I do someone higher?
Also, I give them all vitamin B complex in their water. Should I still give her an extra boost if niacin in her food?

Sorry if those are more silly questions, this is my first year owning ducks. Got my 2 Pekin’s only 3 months ago and jumping to 8 ducks in total definitely brings a lot more questions
I’m a teacher so there is no such thing as a silly question! I would think her friend duckling would be ok. They are both going to have it a little rough on re-entry back to the flock but hopefully they will be bigger and more confident. I give my ducklings nutrient (brewer’s) yeast for niacin because I can’t really over dose them. I don’t know that it will help but I don’t think it will hurt either. You just mix a little with their food.
I’m a teacher so there is no such thing as a silly question! I would think her friend duckling would be ok. They are both going to have it a little rough on re-entry back to the flock but hopefully they will be bigger and more confident. I give my ducklings nutrient (brewer’s) yeast for niacin because I can’t really over dose them. I don’t know that it will help but I don’t think it will hurt either. You just mix a little with their food.
Ok thanks! Will try your suggestions
Ok as promised I’m linking a video of the runt. I think it’s pretty obvious which one it is, but just in case you can’t tell she’s the one with LESS black on her head.

One more question I do have, if you listen closely you can see how raspy her peeps are. I mean her voice is basically non existent.
I should note, I’m not sure if she’s a boy or girl, saying “she” is a habit. So SHE might be a HE however she/he use to peep but I’ve noticed over the past few days it’s not even raspy, the best I can describe it is as “airy”
Is this a sign of anything? None of my other ducklings sound like this.

Here’s the video:
Ok as promised I’m linking a video of the runt. I think it’s pretty obvious which one it is, but just in case you can’t tell she’s the one with LESS black on her head.

One more question I do have, if you listen closely you can see how raspy her peeps are. I mean her voice is basically non existent.
I should note, I’m not sure if she’s a boy or girl, saying “she” is a habit. So SHE might be a HE however she/he use to peep but I’ve noticed over the past few days it’s not even raspy, the best I can describe it is as “airy”
Is this a sign of anything? None of my other ducklings sound like this.

Here’s the video:
Poor baby, I have never seen a duckling do that, but I am no expert. I am going to tag one though, @Pyxis , please help.

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