Runny Poop - Concerning or Normal?

May 5, 2023
Hello, All!

I have four 7.5 week old Buff Orpington chicks. Yesterday, I noticed one of them had a very runny light colored poop (no blood). I thought at the time might be a cecal, but have been keeping an eye on her. She has not been exhibiting any symptoms, and is eating and drinking normally. Normal energy level.

This morning when I went to go check on them she had another very runny diarrhea type poop (picture attached). Sorry if it is hard to see - we use sand as our litter. Could this be some sort of bacterial infection? They are still eating their medicated chick feed. Am I just overreacting?


Thanks in advance!
As long as she’s eating and drinking fine, I wouldn’t worry. There is a wide range of normal when it comes to chicken poops, especially as the weather warms up and they drink more water. I have one hen who’s never done anything but watery poo, and she’s five years old and super healthy. So it may be that your girl just has runny poop. Keep an eye on her, though, and if she has any other symptoms, don’t hesitate to ask for more help. :)

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