Run roost help

To give you and idea, here's some roosts in my run. It's actually where they prefer to sleep now, but I'll see them using the roosts in the daytime too.
:eek::eek::eek::eek: that’s incredible, i’m good at building but that’s insane!
We just used the metal supports for a 2x4 - they cup the 2x4 and are used for decks most commonly. We attached the two supports to the roof supports and just placed the wood in them. We did not attach them so we can easily remove the board if needed.
Do you have a picture?
:eek::eek::eek::eek: that’s incredible, i’m good at building but that’s insane!
lol, thanks. Goal was to increase useable space for the chickens and give them a place to get away from bullying when they're locked up in the main run. Consequentially, nobody sleeps inside the actual coop for almost 2yrs now, even in winter. Had I known I could get away with an open-air coop then I wouldn't have built them such a kick-ass coop that they don't use. No issues with any chickens getting up/down, our sizes range from Silkie to Brahma.
lol, thanks. Goal was to increase useable space for the chickens and give them a place to get away from bullying when they're locked up in the main run. Consequentially, nobody sleeps inside the actual coop for almost 2yrs now, even in winter. Had I known I could get away with an open-air coop then I wouldn't have built them such a kick-ass coop that they don't use. No issues with any chickens getting up/down, our sizes range from Silkie to Brahma.
Yes i like how it’s up high and you can still walk around the run. Our run is narrow so i might actually take yours into consideration because this is just too awesome
I built this easel (sp?) Type ladder ..they love it!!


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