Rouen Duck thread

Wow 21! How do you have time for yourself lol I brooded 15 ducklings inside and all together have 19 but wow 21. What are you doing with all of them besides hoarding :p lol
Didn't take the drake to get busy. It wasn't pretty but he did mate my older, and larger girl. I wasn't sure how old he was, but at least I know if he ain't mature he soon will be. So I am saving duck eggs for now. His feathers are coming back rather quick, guess when he's not the bottom of the order it happens faster. Gotta watch him though the 2 buffs that came with him were trying to do theduck line and he chased them off. If he gets aggressive I will have to pen someone. WHic I hate to do because they found the pond last week, or got courage enough to follow the female I had and they have a dip 2-3 times a day.

I'm teaching them how to swim
Well...We bought ours with egg production in mind.. The more I look at them though, I think our straight run order turned out to be mostly males...I think we might have gotten 2-3 females which isn't good....
I started with 3 Rouens. One suddenly died, healthy the day before. Any idea why this would happen? I'm new to raising ducks but have really gotten attached to them. Mine are about 2 months old now.

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