Rooster Information Thread *Restarted*(More Organized) Newcomers


Sep 25, 2015
I personally enjoy keeping roosters.Their fun to watch,and it is also fun to hatch eggs,and learn how both genders work alone and together.

Keeping Roosters Together:This can go either way.Some roosters will continuously spar for forever,while some completely just hate eachother,and some either learn to live with one another,or truly enjoy an others company.But,Introducing them may not always be easy."The see,but cannot touch" method is a great way to start with roosters.Some roosters can easy be just put in with each other at first meet.A few squabbles,and the order is figured out.
Some roosters may never allow any sibling roosters (Sons),or other roosters to EVER live in the flock.

For instance,my old rooster would not let his son live with him.Adventually,his son got fed up,and stood up for himself,and first,got one sparred out,then an exile,then he got his other eye spurred out,and his neck broken (Or sprayed).He was not a rooster ready to deal with any more males.That's my experience,but it is possible.

Roosters nesting:Is your rooster nesting?If so,he probably is just showing the hens a nice spot where to lay their eggs,and/or where to brood.He will begin "Tidbiting" (The continuing peeping noise),and call his girls to check out the nest.He may even prepare.My rooster enjoys spending time in with "laying Squad".He even will take eggs and role them under him.


Rooster communication:Roosters make really odd noises,some are common.

A roosters crow.A rooster who cannot crow (A no crow collar),is not a happy rooster.It is his way of owning his territory,and his flock.Also a way of competing with other roosters,and a way of showing his dominance and his way of showing off.

Tidbiting. Tidbit is this odd,occasionally loud,peeping sound.Roosters usually use it to call girls over to feed(Treats,weird morsales in the ground.),but also comes in handy when inviting them to nest boxes and dust bathing areas.

Screaming Squawk.Chickens in general will make this sound,but roosters are very loud,and obnoxious when they do it,but not all the time.They do this to alert of danger,or odd things that happen or they see (Like a tennis ball rolling through the yard.)They may also make this sound when they have found something good toe at while foraging.

The Famous wing Dance.This also known as the "Dominate wing" some hens may even do this towards you or other chickens.They do this to show dominance and to impress a hen.They may even do this towards roosters or you to show they are the dominant ones.
example:The wing Dance.

How they get the ladies.Any good rooster will take his time to get the right to mate,while some naughty roosters go in for it.
One the "Good" roosters trick to it all is the Tidbit and Wing dance all in one.They begin by calling a girl or two over,dancing around her,and if he is impressive he'll lift his mane,and she will submit,and he will grab her hand and sit on her.
Example:This is a Submissive Squat.A hen without a rooster that is mature will do this if you try picking her up (Sometimes.)But,lots of hens or pullets will not allow this to happen with a rooster until it is mature nough to care for a flock.

( A pullet is a teen hen,a cockerel is a teen rooster.)

People also add that roosters need a ratio of 10 hens,+ every rooster,imagine how chickens you might wound up with if you had so many roosters,a ton.I think for normal backyard chickens,1 rooster and 6 or 7 hens would work just fine,and keep him satisfied.A rural area,i'd say 1 rooster 10 hens,but 1 rooster with 6 or 7 hens would work anywhere.1 mature,good rooster can take care of 20,only if you have time and space for that 21 flock of chickens.Some breeds are more active breeders then others.But,almost any young rooster will be a active breeder (Unless their really layed back.)

Keep in mind,if your hens are be stressed out and overmated,then maybe,just maybe consider adding more hens,or getting a hen saddle.Stressed out hens may not lay or decrease in laying.

Keeping a Docile rooster:
A lot comes into keeping any chicken "Docile".But roosters can be aggressive if not tamed,and too untamed roosters may not even become aggressive.Any rooster "Can" become aggressive,but chances are if you respect him,and he respects you,things should go pretty smooth for how ever many years he has going on for him.

Spending time with him,hand feeding them is some of the best ways to keep them tamed,maybe not cuddle tame,but tame enough tow here he will not harm you or anybody else.Do not walk around him,walk straight through him,making him move.
Never hold a rooster upside down,throw a rooster,or shove him or do anything that may seem aggressive (So no stopping him from crowing or mating,that's not right.)

What may even cause them to be aggressive?Hormones,or abuse in the past or at the time,and what I stated above.Keep in mind adolescent roosters can't really help the fact that their hormones kicked it,so give em at least 3 or 4 months to decide whether it's gonna turn out to be a good rooster or continue to be mean to you or the girls (By mean to the girls i mean Raping them).If does happen to be mean,try a water hose on hard and spray him with or,or a nice stew from him would work if his "bad" behaviors continue.Rehabilitating is also an option (Water hose helps him to become submissive.
If he does become a little rowdy or mean,just pick them up,and carry him around,let the stress release.Do not ever back down from a rooster.And never feel fear,they scence that stuff ya know,just like horses do,and their onrey about it too.Roosters will take "advantage" of the scaredyness (Sometimes),and will run you,flog you,and peck you.

Starting with them young is a great way to start off,learn him better.Your able to actually catch him instead of using some amazing techniques (Chicken leg grabbers,or a nice net.)Hold him,and his girls,This shows him it is ok for you and anybody else to touch him Or his girls.

Ridiculous things People say about Chickens:
There are some really crazy things people say about chickens.
Like you need a rooster to get a hen to lay eggs.You would think they would know that is incorrect because I mean really,do the store bought eggs hens have roosters with them,no.I would be surprised if no one knew they hadn't because you see pictures EVERYWHERE,and even documentaries on the news.Some people even convince others and themselves to believe roosters can never live together as I stated above,yeah they can.And just a common,"Chickens are dumb".Do not let anybody convince you of that they are very smart.
Our boy (and 14 girls) are 4 months old now. We make a point of going into the coop and handling him and a few girls almost every night. Last night as he was patrolling the coop yard (as Roos do), he *kinda* challenged me (posturing). I tossed him some mealworms and ignored him. Tonight, he did the same, but to a much lesser degree. I think the trick is going to be making sure we enter the coop yard in the evening to let him know it's OUR yard first and foremost. We're top cock. Not him. If he turns into a jerk in spite of out efforts, he's dinner!
Our boy (and 14 girls) are 4 months old now. We make a point of going into the coop and handling him and a few girls almost every night. Last night as he was patrolling the coop yard (as Roos do), he *kinda* challenged me (posturing). I tossed him some mealworms and ignored him. Tonight, he did the same, but to a much lesser degree. I think the trick is going to be making sure we enter the coop yard in the evening to let him know it's OUR yard first and foremost. We're top cock. Not him. If he turns into a jerk in spite of out efforts, he's dinner!
We recently adopted a rooster. He's very lovely and fits right in with the flock. I'm still trying to figure out what one of his sounds means... It's a high pitched whistle like sound... I call it the "dinosaur noise". Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Lol
We have 41 hens and 4 roos. One of the roos has some issues so he stays in the run most days. The rest free range all day with few problems. The boys are great, they patrol around the girls, making sure they stay in the area and find food for them, always watching for hawks and other predators. In the evening, two of the roos, (father and son) take most of the girls to the main coop and the other roo takes his twelve to another coop for the night. We didn't orchestrate this, they figured it out all on their own. There are very rarely any confrontations, usually over a girl who strays into a territory of another roo.

I'll never be without a roo if I can help it, they are an amazing addition to the flock, giving the promise of protection, attention, care and a sense of completion to the flock. We hatched 15 chicks last year from our own flock and I have a broody getting ready to hatch more as we speak. It's so wonderful to be able to observe the beauty of nature in these lovely birds.

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