Role Play (and other games ) Rules- PLEASE READ

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Copyright is tricky, but to make it simple: If you didn't either:

  1. Make the image, take the picture, write the text, or otherwise "create" the content
  2. Get explicit permission to use the content created by someone else

... then it shouldn't be copied and/or posted.

There are a lot of nuances around changing images, etc., but one of the biggest issues online with copyright is that people think "If it's posted on the internet, it's fair game." Even without a watermark, copyright symbol, or text saying "do not copy", there is (at least in the US) an implied and enforceable copyright.

There are lots of sites that have images that they expressly say something like "free to use", or say something about "creative commons". Here's an example:

You can search useable photos at

or using the advanced search on google

Many of the images on flickr also have a commons license with some rights reserved, requiring attribution and/or a link back to the original post.

Ok, thank you for clearing that up!
You may not use pictures or images that belong to someone besides yourself. If you took the pic or drew the image, it's fine. Otherwise, no. Any pictures/images that you have in your games now need to be removed if you didn't create them..

ALL role plays need to be edited to have the quoted area. And all personal rules need to be edited to comform to the new rules.
what is they are like pictures that you used a photo edit system on???
Copyright is tricky, but to make it simple: If you didn't either:

  1. Make the image, take the picture, write the text, or otherwise "create" the content
  2. Get explicit permission to use the content created by someone else

... then it shouldn't be copied and/or posted.

There are a lot of nuances around changing images, etc., but one of the biggest issues online with copyright is that people think "If it's posted on the internet, it's fair game." Even without a watermark, copyright symbol, or text saying "do not copy", there is (at least in the US) an implied and enforceable copyright.

There are lots of sites that have images that they expressly say something like "free to use", or say something about "creative commons". Here's an example:

You can search useable photos at

or using the advanced search on google

Many of the images on flickr also have a commons license with some rights reserved, requiring attribution and/or a link back to the original post.
so what about if you change the settings and only use pictures under that category? like when i search something and go to images- then change the search tool, then go to usage right, and change it to labeled for reuse or something like that??
I'm not terribly familiar with that site, and each image may have different requirements for use. For example, some require a link back to the original page of the image and some don't. Some let you edit and reuse, some don't.

Copyright is very tricky and complicated, but as good internet citizens we're required to follow the rules.

On a related note: We also support people following the rules when trying to copy our member's images from BYC to other sites. We're often asked if people can use our members images and we tell them they need to get permission from the content creator directly.
We only have 2 days left. If you guys are needing your rp edited, I would recommend doing that now or if it is too late to edit that you talk to a mod. :)

Do I just PM a mod or?
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