Role Play (and other games ) Rules- PLEASE READ

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I just edited my role plays to make them follow the rules and I also put the rules on them so people can see what the rules are, I'm actually happy about a few things :)

Thanks Moderaters for making sure BYC stays a all age friendly place!:)
terrielacy, administrator:

I have a thread called "the story that never ends" it's too old to add these rules, I tried. I'm not sure if it even needs these rules. But i don't want to loose it. Could you please help me with this, I would greatly appreciate any assistance you could give me on this problem. Thank you in advance, for your time and effort on this matter.

Sincerely, Nichole
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Copyright is tricky, but to make it simple: If you didn't either:

  1. Make the image, take the picture, write the text, or otherwise "create" the content
  2. Get explicit permission to use the content created by someone else

... then it shouldn't be copied and/or posted.

There are a lot of nuances around changing images, etc., but one of the biggest issues online with copyright is that people think "If it's posted on the internet, it's fair game." Even without a watermark, copyright symbol, or text saying "do not copy", there is (at least in the US) an implied and enforceable copyright.

There are lots of sites that have images that they expressly say something like "free to use", or say something about "creative commons". Here's an example:

You can search useable photos at

or using the advanced search on google

Many of the images on flickr also have a commons license with some rights reserved, requiring attribution and/or a link back to the original post.
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So how are the mods going to be able to tell if unmarked pics are yours or off line. What if you had taken the photo and uploaded it on line. I would hate to get an infraction for using my own pic....
This is not correct. Just because someone shared an image is on the internet, it doesn't automatically make it ok to use. Those that are ok to use will say so. Some (and I have see a LOT here in this section) have a watermark or copyright. Otherwise you need to get express permission from the creator or copyright holder to use the picture or image.
Would you mind telling me how to get permission for the pictures?
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