Rhode Island Reds and/or Wyandotte breeding


In the Brooder
Jun 11, 2015
I think I have finally chosen my desired breed. I believe I will be going with the Rhode Island Reds. Currently, I have 3 hens getting close to laying age with no rooster. A buddy of mine is giving me his extra rooster which will be a RIR and White Leghorn mix. From what I have read.. if I mate them together the offspring will be a "mutt" and not purebred. How will this affect my egg laying or will it? Will the White Leghorn eventually be bred out of it? Will I get RIR, RIR mixed and White Leghorn as possible offspring?

On another note, I will also be mating a Black Laced Wyandotte Rooster with a Gold Laced Wyandotte Hen.. anyone know what I will be likely hatching?

Would love to see pictures if anyone has these mixes already or know anyone that has..
The eggs will be the same with or without a rooster same breed or different breed.
As far as I know the white in the leghorn is dominat, it inhibits black color and dilutes red color in the feathers. This is in theory, I saw mixed, greyish and spotted chicken come from a RIR rooster over a WL hen.
So it depends what your rooster in spe inhabited from his parents, not only in color but also in build.
The wonderful thing with mixes is, that they every chick is unique.

With black laced Wyandotte you mean silver laced? B/c the golden laced is black laces on a golden bird. Or do you mean buff/red laced?
I doubt mixing would affect anything, lots of my chickens are mixed, it appears to me the rirs are pretty dominant though imo. I have 12+ Roos currently that were born mixed, yet at least half appear full blooded rir... The rest are EE mixed etc.

-- Some will look mixed, but some may look like one or the other, this happened to me.
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The eggs will be the same with or without a rooster same breed or different breed.
As far as I know the white in the leghorn is dominat, it inhibits black color and dilutes red color in the feathers. This is in theory, I saw mixed, greyish and spotted chicken come from a RIR rooster over a WL hen.
So it depends what your rooster in spe inhabited from his parents, not only in color but also in build.
The wonderful thing with mixes is, that they every chick is unique.

With black laced Wyandotte you mean silver laced? B/c the golden laced is black laces on a golden bird. Or do you mean buff/red laced?

My Gold Laced Wyandotte looks very similar to this.. Pretty much gold with black laces


The one I am referring to as being black laced looks more like this.. hmm so the one I called black laced is in fact silver laced..


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