Opinions on additions please.


5 Years
Apr 24, 2019
South Carolina, USA
I currently have a mixed flock of EEs , RIR and Wellsummer hens. With 2 welsummer roosters . I'm thinking of adding to the flock this summer So I'm chick shopping now.

My choices from local feed store are:
Buff Orpington
blue lace red Wyandotte
Black australorp
Silver Wyandotte
Blue cuckoo Maran
RHODE island whites
Barred rock

What are your opinions on what mixes these would result in and are any sex linked or auto sexed?

Or should I just continue hatching welsummers. I listed EEs on here because mine are going on 5 years old and not laying as much so I only occasionally get a blue or pink egg. And my RIR are even older and not laying at all as far as I can tell.

Also my 2 roos were both hatched from dark brown well speckled eggs if that matters. Father and mother both welsummers.

I should add my dream breed is cream legbar to get OEs. But other than ordering chick's they aren't available around here. But in 1 or 2 years I may add some.of those and would like to separate them with their own cream legbar roo. And do some hobby breeding with a few good hens and a welsummer roo.
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I currently have a mixed flock of EEs , RIR and Wellsummer hens. With 2 welsummer roosters . I'm thinking of adding to the flock this summer So I'm chick shopping now.

My choices from local feed store are:
Buff Orpington
blue lace red Wyandotte
Black australorp
Silver Wyandotte
Blue cuckoo Maran
RHODE island whites
Barred rock

What are your opinions on what mixes these would result in and are any sex linked or auto sexed?

Or should I just continue hatching welsummers. I listed EEs on here because mine are going on 5 years old and not laying as much so I only occasionally get a blue or pink egg. And my RIR are even older and not laying at all as far as I can tell.

Also my 2 roos were both hatched from dark brown well speckled eggs if that matters. Father and mother both welsummers.

I should add my dream breed is cream legbar to get OEs. But other than ordering chick's they aren't available around here. But in 1 or 2 years I may add some.of those and would like to separate them with their own cream legbar roo. And do some hobby breeding with a few good hens and a welsummer roo.
Greenfire Farms has beautiful rare breeds and sell legbar hatching eggs too.Here is a link: https://greenfirefarms.com/available.html
Your goals may be different from someone else raising the same breed. One of my favorite hens is a black australorp that lays a big brown egg. She's one of 3 hens I keep because some of my other breeds rarely go broody

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