Rescued ring neck dove...newbie needs advice!


7 Years
Oct 28, 2012
Southern California (Irvine)
We've had a damaged dove -- just as tame as can be -- hanging around our house so I bought a cage and brought it in to keep it safe. The cage is 18x18x26. The dove has lost most of its tail can fly, wings are perfect, but not well. I did a fair amount of research but I never know who's right when there's conflicting information so I've come here where I've had very good luck with my chickens. I will be taking it to the vet for a complete physical, but it is eating, drinking and pooping just fine. Here are my questions:
1. I have deep qualms about caging it cruel to keep this dove in a cage?
2. Is it okay to be alone or should it have a mate?
3. Any way I can tell its gender (so I can stop saying it)?
4. Do doves need to fly? If so, how do you accomplish this exercise need?
5. When its tail grows back in, should I set it free? Or keep it as a pet? (Survival question, not ethics).
6. Any way to tell how old it is?
7. Are all doves this docile or have I rescued someone's pet?

I'm sure some of this information is elsewhere in this forum and I apologise for redundancy but it's really hard to find exactly these answers. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me...hate to admit it, but we've all gotten kind of mushy about this silly's just so precious! I mean, how often do you get chosen by a wild creature?

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Hi there, I had a similar thing happen, so I'll pass along what the wildlife rehabilitator told me. You really should not try to keep it caged once it can fly, it's a wild bird and needs to live it's live accordingly. It is possible it already has a mate hanging around on the outside. Doves apparently mate for life. Do you have a large enclosure for the dove to live in and practice flying?? Often times they lose loads of feathers from a cat attack or whatever but don't suffer any physical damage. If you do not have a large safe enclosure, you should probably turn it over to a rehabilitator. The gal who worked with the dove I saved, brought it back to the area it came from and released it so it could find it's mate.
Can't help with the sex or age - sorry! I wish you well,
if it is that docile and its not from stress/shock then it was/is a pet
looks like a cat or other animal got after it and it released or had its tail feathers pulled
it helps with flight control so it may have a little issue with flying

two things that make me think not a wild dove or maybe a mix of pet and wild
too much tangerine in the color
looks a tad big for a wild dove
but thats going off local wild doves
could be different elsewhere but thats what they are like here

even a non tamed pet dove will exhibit plenty of defense or protest to being held or picked up
wing slapping/pecking/struggling and lastly cowering and "giving up"
that part has me thinking its somebodies pet

as for sexing, I believe youtube could explain it easier
but a males pelvis comes together like a v
a females does not come together and has a open space about a fingers width apart between the two pelvic bones
good luck to him/her and you!
"5. When its tail grows back in, should I set it free? Or keep it as a pet? (Survival question, not ethics)."

going by the tail damage Im guessing your area has predators
a docile pet dove "could" learn to be wild again
but it takes a few weeks and during that time its more or less a sitting duck
If the dove won't bath.. then lightly spraying it with water will help. This will keep the feathers clean...and help the new ones grow back in good condition. Doves live the bath in a light shower.. often opening up their wings to let the water clean under there.. its lovely to see.

Feed it a dove mix from the pet shop... make sure it has grit and oyster shell to eat.. they need this to digest their food.

As its underweight and recovering from a stressful time...its a great idea to add bird vitamins to its drinking water.

As a treat you can feed a small amount of crushed up human grade raw peanuts as treats. These will help it gain weight quickly.

Good luck with you dove. Its very lucky you found it.. you saved it from a slow death.

Here is a photo of some of mine....

Thank you all for your I expected from Backyard Chickens, you've been immensely helpful. Jak, I especially appreciate your advice and pictures. I do have a dove rescue close so it will be easy to get a companion for him. Yes, I am keeping it...I figure he came to me for help and I won't let him down. He's eating and drinking well, poops normally...coos and makes a funny chuckling noise now and then. Very perky...bright eyed and interested in everything. He has a mirror he preens in front of now and then (I'm pretty sure he's a boy). He flies in panic mode....I think it's because he doesn't have good control trying to fly and it upsets him. I've ordered a big flight cage and tomorrow he goes to the vet for a check up. All he needs now is a name...

Again my thanks to all who responded...BYC people are the best! :love

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