Red golden pheasant breeding problems

Yep, as i expected, an Amherst X Golden cross. Wish this kind of thing didn't happen but at least you have learned a hopefully you won't try to pass them on as pure or breed them.
Here are the pictures i just made . The male is beating her up . And shes trying to hide.


Here are the pictures i just made . The male is beating her up . And shes trying to hide.


kamad, SHE is a HE!!! You need to seperate them immediately. They will fight till one kills the other. Most likely, they were not in the same pen when you got them. It is breeding season for them right now, so if there are other hen pheasants around, and the older male sees, hears, smells them he will attack the younger one to drive it's his territory. The only way to get them to coexist together, would to put them both together at the same time in a pen that is new to both of them. Even then it's risky, they may still fight. Either way, seperate them, thats the only way to aleviate the situation. Otherwise, you'll have a nice pheasant for dinner.
IT's 100% a hen Goldherst (hybrid) they look like that sometimes. male is for sure a Goldherst
the 5 X 7 pen is way to small for them 10 x 20 and you will be fine
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IT's 100% a hen  Goldherst (hybrid) they look like that sometimes.     male is for sure a Goldherst 
I know you do/ or have alot of different cross breed pheasants but would a cross bred hen have a mantle/cape or crest feathers, like this one? I've never seen a hen, cross bred or pure with a mantle. Just curious, that would be a new one on me! It is pretty wouldn't mind having it.
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IT's 100% a hen Goldherst (hybrid) they look like that sometimes. male is for sure a Goldherst
the 5 X 7 pen is way to small for them 10 x 20 and you will be fine
If you look at the iris(around the eye)it is brown,making this a hen.Go back look at the male in full plumage and you see his iris is cream,just like all goldens.
In N.H.,Tony.
No they wouldn't get that hood every time... about something like 1 in 100 maybe
Sometime fertile sometimes not.
Golden/Amherst have been crossed for well over 100 years
Best to keep that in house do not sell (alive) as pure Anything

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