Red bumps on Brahma rooster's legs


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 14, 2013
Hi everyone,

We have a wonderful 8-month old light Brahma rooster. He is our gentle giant and does a great job protecting his free range hens all day. We actually saw him fight off a small hawk a few weeks ago. The girls run for cover as soon as he tells them too and only come out when he gives the all-clear. Amazing. So, about 8 weeks ago he started to have these red spots around the feathers on his legs. He does not have mites. Now, 8 weeks later, there may be more red spots, but no swelling or flakiness. They do not seem to bother him at all. Does anyone know if this is just a part of feathered-legs for his breed? The hens that have feathered legs have no red spots at all. Here are some photos. My 12-year-old daughter is worried and would like more reassurance than I can give her. Thanks!

Below is a photo taken this morning. The photos above were taken about 8 weeks ago.

More thank likely they are just from some of the feathers on his legs being plucked out if it's not bothering him. Only if he starts acting funny (more sluggish than usual, stops going out to free range, acts sickly) would I worry about the problem. There's really nothing for your daughter to be concerned about now so you can tell her not to worry. My light sussex hens get small little bumps on their legs when my Cornish Cross Lucy pulls out the feathers on their legs.
Why would he pluck out his own feathers? I can't imagine the hens doing it to him, as he is the top dog of the pack.
I have a little sablepoot rooster who has majorly feathery feet and legs. He's had scaley leg before so I tend to check him regularly. During our wonderful British autumn when it got muddy I washed his feet and saw that he had redness similar to your pictures. I used an antibacterial spray which I think stings a little but it's over fast and better safe than sorry especially in this grotty weather.
Some of his longer feathers I think catch on things generally day to day and I don't think that helps either.

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