Raisins okay for chickens


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 20, 2009
I looked at the treats chart. Very helpful. But in the raisins section there is no information. Are raisins okay to feed chickens. I have been given two big boxes of raisin bran cereal and would love to put it out for them. Any harm or good? Thanks you all rock. I always tell new chicken people look at Back Yard Chicken first then decide everything else. hahaha but true.
They are my girls' most beloved of treats. I buy the boxes of Sunmaid Organic Raisins at Costco. Two bags per box. The girls know the rustle of the plastic bag. It starts a stampede every time.
I walk outside with a handful of raisins (if I carry the container, they'll mob me at the door) and say " RASINS!!...IV'E GOT RASINS!!!!" and they run to me. It is the only thing I feed from my hands and they are gone in a heart beat. You wouldn't think a chicken could eat that fast! Without a doubt is is their favorite treat...
"love" is not the right word when it comes to my chickens and grapes. They recognize the box and purr for it. I won't give them whole ones since they just gobble them up as fast as they can, so I pinch one between my fingers and let them tear into the soft center.

With plenty of beak-wiping to follow each raisin, of course.
Hahaha. That is wonderful. I cannot wait to give the chickens the raisin bran. Ours love bananas it sounds like as much as all of your babies love raisins. Thank you. Again. I cannot say enough wonderfulness about how much everyone on this website has helped me. You Rock!!!!!

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