rabbits killed throat slashed, what did it?

That's too bad about your rabbits. I'm thinking weasel, too...they're expert climbers/jumpers and extremely proficient at killing rabbits, a staple prey for them.
a rat, mink or weasle would be your likley cuprets, and they can get through the tiniest holes, even a ferret can slide through a 1/2 inch tall slit as ong as its wide enough, weasles and minks are much smaller and a rat can get through impossibly small spaces.
defintly weasel, they kill by attacking the throat. We have had one come in the barn and kill over 50 pigeons in one night, so they do kill for fun. the good thing is that they usually hang around, so take a gun with you into the barn(if you have one) and make a little noise. they are curious and will poke thier head up, and thats when you fix him. Also if its a male you will smell him, they stink like musk

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