Cat Found and Killed a Baby Bunny, Nest in Danger


Jun 5, 2019
Saint Louis, MO
Hey all! Now I’m no expert with rabbits, the only experience I have with them is the wild rabbits around my house. Recently we found a wild rabbit nest in common grounds near my yard, we’ve been careful not to disturb it but we wanted to keep an eye on it because of all the predators and other dangers around it. For example all the outdoor and stray cats that live around me. Unfortunately some predator (most likely a cat) found the nest and killed and partially ate one of the six babies. We found what was left of it a few feet away from the nest. The babies have already opened their eyes and seems like they’re ready to leave the nest but they haven’t yet. I don’t know if the one that was killed had wandered out of the nest and got eaten or the animal actually dragged it out of the nest. Either way, the nest is in danger and I’m afraid more will be eaten and/or the mother won’t come back. Is there something I can do or should I just let nature take its course? I’d appreciate all feedback, thank you!

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