Quail pen ideas


Oct 8, 2019
Orange county New You
I need to start building a pen for my quails asap and can't decide on how to do it, I'm looking for ideas and suggestions. I have 12 6 week old bobwhites and 12 week old coturnix. Are they better on the ground or up off the ground? Can I use 1/2 inch hardware cloth or should it be 1/4 inch?
It depends on how you want to raise them. They naturally live on the ground, so that's how I keep mine. I have movable pens that go on my garden beds during the winter so they can fertilize them and eat the bugs.

Bobwhites do better in a large aviary, well landscaped with quail furniture. I haven't raised Cot's since the early 70's but when I did they were in quail battry cages, very similar to what everyone uses today.

There are lots of ideas on here but it's really up to you to figure out what you're needs are and that of the quail your raising.
1/2" floors not 1/4". You risk bumblefoot when keeping them on wire so make sure the galvanized finish is smooth. They sell stainless wire on amazon and you can get pvc coated wire. They are a little pricier but they're better for the quails feet. I have replaced all the galvanized 1/2" x 1/2" floors in my cages with pvc coated 16ga 1/2" x 1" welded wire....

If kept on wire add dust pans or straw in areas so they can get off the wire if they want.

I prefer keeping them on wire because it's a lot less upkeep, they live in a cleaner environment, I don't have to go on an Easter egg hunt every day looking for eggs, and it keeps them out of reach of predators (as long as they can't climb the legs). You can predator proof ground level coops too.

They do live more naturally on the ground, but the ground needs to be kept dry and they need more room on the ground than in wire cages. If I only had a few quail I would consider keeping them on the ground...

Here's a link to hundreds of pen designs....

I haven't kept quail in a raised cage, so take this with a grain of salt, but I have heard that some predators can reach through 1/2" hardware cloth and pull their legs off. If 1/4" is too small for their poop to fall through, though, that might make it harder to clean out the cage. Design depends largely on your goal with the birds.
I've also never raised bobwhite but am under the impression that they can become territorial/aggressive toward birds other than their mates. Maybe it is only during the breeding season. It maybe be something to consider in terms of the design.

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