Quail hatching question


Aug 13, 2018
Deer River Minnesota
Hello everyone I have a few questions on hatching quail eggs. I have hatched chicken eggs before but never quail. My dad will also be helping me too.

1. What are the temperatures from day 1 to 18.

2. What day do I do lockdown

3. Any other information I need to know

Thank you so much I appreciate everyone’s help
  1. Aim for 99.5F, +/- 0.5F the whole hatch
  2. Count the day you set the eggs as Day 0. Lockdown is Day 15 (some do Day 14). Hatching happens somewhere between Day 16-19
  3. Quail eggs are harder to candle than chicken eggs—don't be worried if you can't see as much detail. Raise the humidity to around 60-70% during lockdown. Quail chicks can't be left in the incubator as long as chicken chicks—I take mine out 24 hours after hatch, max.
What kind of quail? Coturnix, Bobwhites, Blues, Gambles or Valley?

I don't raise Coturnix anymore but @le_bwah has given you info on them. If your hatching any of the others I mentioned, then you'll want to set the bator temperature at 99.5°F to 100°F, I run my humidity at 43% for the first 21days and increase to 60 - 65% RH for the last 3 to 4 days of incubation. The other birds I mentioned have an incubation of 24 days. Mine usually pip on day 23 and will hatch on day 24, if your temp is kept within the range stated above. If hatching Mountain quail, their incubation time is usually 1 to 2 days longer, 26 days. HTH

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