Q. Quail set up and ratio


9 Years
Apr 2, 2015
Katy TX
Ok guys so we've just moved 2 weeks ago and I have quail eggs arriving this week! But I wanted to know your thoughts, once they hatch,( there's 12 eggs so I'm hoping I get 6 or 7 chicks at least) I plan to put them in a 40 gallon tank under cover whith wind blockage....outside. they can't come inside currently do to a determined cat who likes to eat small animals, and limited space due to other tanks/animals, at most they could spend a few days in a wire bird cage in the house. I'd do our garage but I've got my pigeons on shelves and boxes everywhere else, including some chemicals, and the absolute heat and stuffiness it builds up throughout the day which I think would definitely do them in. So I plan to keep them temporarily in a 40 gal, on pellet bedding, or sand cause we have ALOT of sand, whith chick crumble feed and a covered shelter box in the tank to protect and comfort them outside although I don't intend for their area to be rain accessible. But once the babies are bigger what number of birds could comfortably live in the cage? I do plan to sell some off and do another batch later because I don't want to risk inbreeding, but I want to keep 2 males to 4 females total preferably but if not just 2 pairs would be ok whith me. Would a 4 gallon tank be enough? Or shall I build something bigger? Also, how much of a flight risk are they? Will I need to worry about birds taking off on me(they'll be outside)? Or will they likely do their own thing and ignore me during cleaning feeding etc?
Alrighty depending on what hatch ratio I get I'll go with 1:3 to start and keep them in my chick grow out pen a 2 1/2 * 3 1/2' hutch so it should work once they're larger. I'm in the midst of building a new pigeon loft to so maybe I'll design their flight cage to act doubly as a quail enclosure once I'm done with the loft. I'll just use the 40 gal as a brooder for the first few weeks to keep a more steady temp đź‘Ť
Eggs arrived last night

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