Pros and Cons to Keeping, please.

Hard to imagine anyone saying 'less.'

I think a 20 by 50 pen for two emus is grossly undersized.

If you had an emu in a 10 by 25, I'd check with the ASPCA/RSPCA to determine if that is even legal.

Supreme Emu
EXAMPLE: Pro #1: The chicks are cute.

I really would like an Emu, but want to know more about the pros and cons of raising one or two. Thanks.
Keep in mind the males are more timid and less aggressive than the females. They need lots of room and foraging space to be happy. If you live somewhere hot, they love water to swim in or just getting hosed down.
They love to socialize so definitely get more than one.
Mine never try to jump the fence but that’s because they are satisfied with their pen.
DO NOT play rough (letting them chase/peck you) when they are adolescents, or you will end up with scars and an emu on your tail whenever you go into the pen.
And they are super needy when chicks! Mine freaked out whenever I was out of sight.
It is a way bigger commitment than chickens, more like children! But they are so worth it, I love my two emu so much.
Hope this was helpful.

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