Solved Proposed, Annual Outstanding BYC Member Award (AOBMA)

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Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Jul 31, 2018
Bristol UK
My Coop
My Coop
Annual Outstanding BYC Member Award.

It seems BYC loves it’s badges and awards. One of the great things about BYC is the data available by which, if one wanted, one could assess the contributions made by individual members.

There are rounds of applause and merit given to maximum post counts. However, post content doesn’t get taken into account. It is fairly easy to rack up likes in private conversations and easy to rack up post counts by posting memes, one line replies and emicons.
There is also the problem in any award system on an established web site that people will vote for people they know and like rather than vote on merit.

I’m a bit of an interpret the data type and over this past year in particular I’ve been fascinated watching the members pages, the articles section and the awards given, the various competitions and the drop out rate of some of the more prominent members.

The posts to likes ratio is one of the most telling pieces of data BYC has imo. There are however a couple of things that need to be taken into account when looking at these ratios.

Firstly there are members who post mainly on the games threads and their post to like ratio can be phenomenal. While I have absolutely no problem with likes being awarded in such role play games etc these members shouldn’t be included in the new proposed award. It is very straightforward identifying these members.

A further problem is those who post on the ER threads on a regular basis. From what I’ve seen they often don’t even get likes from the people they are trying to help. Perhaps a separate award could be made for such people.

So, I would like to propose the Annual Outstanding BYC Member award. Perhaps BYC staff could make a badge for such an award with the year shown.

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The posts to likes ratio is one of the most telling pieces of data BYC has imo. There are however a couple of things that need to be taken into account when looking at these ratios.
The posts to likes ratio is a bogus stat since the number of likes received is highly based on the threads where the posts are made. There are threads where it is almost impossible to not get multiple likes for every post and threads where it is almost impossible to get any likes for a post no matter how valuable the post is.
The posts to likes ratio is a bogus stat since the number of likes received is highly based on the threads where the posts are made. There are threads where it is almost impossible to not get multiple likes for every post and threads where it is almost impossible to get any likes for a post no matter how valuable the post is.
There is some truth in your point but I wouldn't dismiss the ratio as bogus.
I did give two examples where it may be misleading to look at this ratio. I'm sure there are others.
The value of a post is almost impossible to judge.
Perhaps you might care to suggest some other criteria.
There is some truth in your point but I wouldn't dismiss the ratio as bogus.
I did give two examples where it may be misleading to look at this ratio. I'm sure there are others.
The value of a post is almost impossible to judge.
Perhaps you might care to suggest some other criteria.
The other place where the likes are disproportionate to number of posts is the introduction threads. Personally I think there are enough awards and that another award is not necessary.
We worked long and hard to have a balance with the medals we award. They are not awarded lightly and the nominees are discussed and agreed upon by Staff after their posts are reviewed to make sure the nominated award is a good fit.
Thank you for your idea, and we will keep the thought in mind if the need arises for a new medal. :)
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