Predator leaving only a few feathers.


In the Brooder
Feb 9, 2019
No blood, no body part, only 3-4 feathers. This is happening during day, close to house, while I'm home, while they're free ranging on one acre, fenced, lots of hiding places. We have raccoons, don't think that's it. We have hawks (and owls), Coyotes, Fox. What do you think this is?
Are your birds fully grown? Most hawks or owls (at least in my area) won't carry a grown chicken away. Usually will kill and eat on site. I'd lean towards a fox or coyote, and one that's very talented at making clean kills. A kill site that looks like a chicken exploded--feathers everywhere, but no bird--is a good indicator of a fox. And they can be pretty, for lack of a better term, ballsy. It's not uncommon for them to hunt in broad daylight. However, it is interesting that there are only a few feathers left. In any event, it's something big enough to carry the bird away with it!
Are your birds fully grown? Most hawks or owls (at least in my area) won't carry a grown chicken away. Usually will kill and eat on site. I'd lean towards a fox or coyote, and one that's very talented at making clean kills. A kill site that looks like a chicken exploded--feathers everywhere, but no bird--is a good indicator of a fox. And they can be pretty, for lack of a better term, ballsy. It's not uncommon for them to hunt in broad daylight. However, it is interesting that there are only a few feathers left. In any event, it's something big enough to carry the bird away with it!
Well I had a fox take my rooster with no feathers-nothing! But I Agree with you
Agree... Coyotes/bobcats make a mess, raptors will land close by after grabbing and go at it. Good indicator it's a raptor I've notice is they leave the gizzard behind.

Fox during the day is nasty thought... do you live in a very woody area?
I have lost over thirty chickens to a fox coming during the day. I have never found a body though
This has been our exact experience. We have lost half a dozen birds in the last few months... all but one have been taken with just missing feathers to show. Others vanished without a trace. I say hawk or fox as they have been our predators. Only once did the hawk leave a carcass for a few days. Once my pullet was in two halves he carried both halves away with him.
In my experience hawks don't carry away, They may drag the chicken inot cover to eat.
Also, hawks here at least eat the internal organs and leave the carcass.
Another point is a hawk will usually only kill one.
I think you have a ground predator and a fox would seem likely.

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