
  1. J

    Predators that don't fear people

    I feel like the Rodney Dangerfield of wannabe homesteaders. I get no respect from the wildlife. Predators do not fear me. I generally keep 50-80 chickens. I started off practical with dual purposed breeds, added breeds in to be able to have a rainbow of egg colors, then added rare breeds for...
  2. Tinabuglaw

    911, duck snatched by coyote

    911, I saw a coyote snatch my duck. It's a jumbo pekin. I screamed and chased him with my arms waving hoping that he would get scared and drop her. Apparently he did and she's having a hard time breathing and she has a few puncture wounds. I'm thinking there might be one in her lung. Is there...
  3. B

    Chicken love and chicken sadness

    Hi, I'm Belila, and I have had chickens since Mother's Day of 2022. I didn't plan on being a chicken mom, but after a bit of a shock, I accepted the surprise gift from my kids. I went in pretty unprepared! My kids are older, two away at college now and one finishing high school (the human kids...
  4. T

    Coyote Attack

    First the damn hawks, now this. We have had the neverending rains here in east TN. Rear neighbor came by Fri to let us know there was a coyote near our coop at 2:30pm in the rain. Sat, our next door neighbor stopped me to say a coyote was attacking the coop. He heard my girls going nuts, went to...
  5. R

    Is this a Coyote proof coop?

    First time chicken owner here. I just released my 4-week old pullets into their coop and now am paranoid that a predictor will take them. I live in Southern California and we have a problem with coyotes and an occasional bobcat. Any thoughts on this?
  6. zenstarling

    totally new here! thoughts on coop design in predator land?

    Hi there, brand new to chickens! Happy to be a part of this forum. I have been thinking about raising chickens for years, and finally feel we're in the place to start this project this year. I have been in research mode for weeks. This site is a goldmine for information, experiences and answers...
  7. BigBlueHen53

    There"s a Coyote, and I Can't Shoot!

    So we lost our BJG rooster, George, and four BA hens in the last couple of days and weren't sure what the predator was until this afternoon when I spotted what appeared to be a single juvenile coyote preparing to come onto our property. I had suspected coyote, as there was virtually no evidence...
  8. E

    Is this moulting or a coyote attack?

    Feathers are all over yard. Small and fluffy. Chickens are missing and have been for days, right following a rainstorm after having been let out of the coup. Let me know your thoughts on the photo I’ve attached. Thanks. Devastated and could use the feedback.
  9. Is that an Egg?


    UPDATE: We found another dead chicken missing a head and feathers from three different birds. They were near our neighbor’s house who own a Great Dane. Coyote, dog, or fox? We came outside and only 6 out of 18 young chickens were left. We are in Wisconsin and it is the middle of the day. What...
  10. Top 10 Chicken Predators

    Top 10 Chicken Predators

    From aerial to ground predators, chickens often fall prey to many of these. There are many different things that happen from the most obvious to the least. No matter what, it seems like they're always getting into trouble. But we can limit predator attacks if we know how to prevent them. From...
  11. J

    Emergency Help Needed - Peking Duck Attacked by Coyote on 4/12/2020

    Let me start with I know that this is part of having farm animals and we live a significant way from any vet that will see a duck. I am doing all I can to save her and if anyone has any suggestions my family would love to hear them. It is currently about 3pm on Tuesday and on Sunday night at...
  12. 50-45-1

    WATCH THIS! My Guardian Dogs at Work!

    Here are three video clips from our trail cam. It's located 40 ft from our chicken coop. I've also got pictures of fox, raccoon, and opossum. Sneaking Coyote Back Again Dogs Are On It
  13. C

    Flock wiped out last night (description is a little graphic, but no photos)

    After an unfortunate miscommunication between my husband and I last night, the door to our chicken run was never closed. Please no judgment. We're heartbroken. When I went outside this morning, I found two carcasses about 10 feet from the coop. One was a hen, sitting upright (sorry, but as...
  14. DiYMama540

    Coyote takes small dog from yard

    Just saw this story on Inside Edition. Pretty amazing!
  15. bluebellknapp

    Guineas vs Coyotes

    I just witnessed something amazing. I heard loud raucous calls from my flock of Guinea Hens. I raced to the window and saw them surrounding a young coyote and herding it toward the river. They chased it across the river and stayed on the bank screaming at it for a long time. By that time I had...
  16. divineangel94


    Just a quick question for my paranoid self. I live in glenmoore pa, my chickens are right next to our house, they have a fenced in run, a coop that is raised and fencing on the top. Are my chickens still safe from coyotes? I've never seen any around here, where do coyotes live?
  17. J

    Electric fence wire around chicken coop

    Has anyone used an electric wire around their chicken coop? We are building our coop and run now and we have many predators where we live. We live in northern Minnesota, and just recently we have had a 350-400lb black bear come to our front porch twice in search of bird seed. We take all our...
  18. O

    Predator leaving only a few feathers.

    No blood, no body part, only 3-4 feathers. This is happening during day, close to house, while I'm home, while they're free ranging on one acre, fenced, lots of hiding places. We have raccoons, don't think that's it. We have hawks (and owls), Coyotes, Fox. What do you think this is?
  19. ladyjey

    Coyote ID, smell, stink

    Just thought I'd share some info; This morning around 4:30 I happened to be awake when a coyote showed up. Back story; I have large fowl and bantams and this time of year the bantams all seem to think it's a good idea to sleep in the witch hazel tree above their coop. I am chasing them out of...
  20. house.of.ducks

    Saw coyote or fox near duck pen

    I was at the lake with two of my ducks and I received a phone call from my brother, he had seen either a coyote or a fox (were thinking coyote but I can’t be sure since I didn’t see it) standing near the duck pen and staring at them. My brother says he immediately shouted at it and scared it off...
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