Possible egg bound unsure of diagnosis


Feb 12, 2023
Willamette Valley of Oregon
Hen is a 2.5 yr old RIR. Excellent layer and good body weight at baseline. About a week ago she tried to sleep in the egg box would not jump up to roost, then wouldn't jump up into coop (elevated coop, don't use a ladder). These are never issues for her. Isolated her and she's not laying. There's a firm mass and fullness to her posterior abdomen palpable below her vent. I figured she was egg bound. Gave her warm soak, 800mg oral calcium, massaged around posterior abdomen pushing mass towards vent. Digital examination of her vent does not allow me to specify feel an egg (no hard smooth shell to feel) although same as her external exam I can feel that there's a large firm mass in posterior abdomen. Vent otherwise looks healthy and clean. She's making normal poops.

This whole time she's been drinking. I see her eating but not getting a nice full crop as usual. Today she felt a bit lighter than usual. She goes about the run pretty normally with the other hens. Has resumed jumping to the coop and roost. Has never penguin walked or appeared straining. Tail is mostly up as it usually is.

If this was just an egg bound hen I'd have thought she'd be really going downhill after a whole week. Other things I was thinking would be malignancy; she's young but hey sometimes the world's unfair. Seems unlikely an infection given the duration and that she's certainly not decompensating or rapidly progressing.

I'm interested in learning about this and home management. I have a medical background. No plan for vet involvement. Ultimately all my chickens go to the stewpot but I had liked this one and hoped for another year of laying.
There's a firm mass and fullness to her posterior abdomen palpable below her vent.

Gave her warm soak, 800mg oral calcium, massaged around posterior abdomen pushing mass towards vent. Digital examination of her vent does not allow me to specify feel an egg (no hard smooth shell to feel) although same as her external exam I can feel that there's a large firm mass in posterior abdomen.
Is it right below the vent or ?

Could you be feeling the gizzard?

A mass that is in the abdomen below the vent between the legs may be internal laying, cancer/tumor, lash material, etc. IF the material is in the abdominal cavity, you will not be able to push it out.

Since she was not feeling very well for a few days, but has since showing signs of doing a little better, I'd take a guess she laid internally. Unfo

Is it right below the vent or ?
Yes palpable maybe 2cm ventral (towards chest) to the vent. Feels large and firm enough to be an egg. Definitely not far enough anterior to be the gizzard.

Internal laying is an interesting idea but I wouldn't expect it to represent a large firm palpable mass in that case.

If she doesn't lay I'll try another few rounds of calcium, hot bath, massage and digital exam.
Yes palpable maybe 2cm ventral (towards chest) to the vent. Feels large and firm enough to be an egg. Definitely not far enough anterior to be the gizzard.

Internal laying is an interesting idea but I wouldn't expect it to represent a large firm palpable mass in that case.

If she doesn't lay I'll try another few rounds of calcium, hot bath, massage and digital exam.
I see.
Not sure if giving more digital exams would be worth it. IF the mass is in the abdomen, it will make no difference of how many times you feel of it, it will remain where it is....

If you do lose her, send the body for necropsy or do an informal one yourself, this will give you an idea of what the mass is. If you diy, post photos.
I thought maybe the stimulation of the exam could help with passage but looking at your diagram I am now guessing this isn't a egg bound chicken. The mass would be dorsal or immediately cranial to the vent and everything I've read suggests the egg should be readily apparent with examination.

I'll probably just give her some time to see how this goes. If she's not laying she'll be slaughtered and I'll post the results.
I thought maybe the stimulation of the exam could help with passage but looking at your diagram I am now guessing this isn't a egg bound chicken. The mass would be dorsal or immediately cranial to the vent and everything I've read suggests the egg should be readily apparent with examination.

I'll probably just give her some time to see how this goes. If she's not laying she'll be slaughtered and I'll post the results.
I have a RIR hen with the EXACT same symptoms, including the mass. I've isolated her and she's quite lethargic, eyes closed most of the time, penguin posed (which led me to believe she was egg bound) and has not laid in days.

Curious as it's been 10+ days how yours is doing and if you found any additional information or treatment that worked?
Really not much change. Seems pretty baseline behavior although clearly still doesn't want to jump. I think the mass is growing so mostly suspect it's a tumor or malignancy. She's definitely not laying and around here that's a requirement (for chickens). I'll necropsy in about a week and post results.

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